Chapter 1

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I was at the world meeting listening carefully to what UN has to say-
BANG!! CRASH!! ( I'm cringe rn ;w;)
that's what I heard outside the meeting room, then I saw someone open the's the ugly Frenchmen..." I-I'm so sorry for the noise" said the bloody rat. "What happened outside France?" "Well...I crashed some of the vases because of my clumsiness..." "Ok, Well next time be careful now take a seat," UN said and begins to start the meeting again, "hey UK" I turn around and see the bloody rat in-front of me "what is it rat?" I said with a stern look "Is someone sitting here-" "No you rat, no one is sitting there...just sit already and don't bother me" (;-; UK why... ) he just nodded and sat down. I looked back to UN and started to listen again.


"Ok that's all, you all can go have your five-month break now!" said UN "Ok see you in five months sir. UN," said Germany, I was walking to my car when I saw a flat tire, ' GOD!!' I said to myself. I sighed knowing I need to walk home, I felt something ( someone 0w0 ) touch my shoulder I turn around and saw the bloody rat "hey UK is something wrong?" do I really need to- "yes...yes there is you rat, my tire is flat happy now?" he just looked at me smiling?!! "do you want me to drive you home?"
It was silent then I spoke "fine...just don't bother me you rat," I said while taking his hand off my shoulder "ok UK, this way," he said while walking to his car, when we were at his car he kindly opened the car door for me to get in. I got in the car and the rat closed the car door and went to the driver's seat and started the car.

_o.o~While Driving~o.o_

I was just looking at the window, looking at the children playing, people with their lovers. I sighed thinking I would just be alone forever "So...UK are you still ok?" the Frenchmen asked ".....yes...." I said a little sad because I didn't want to go back thinking about the past..." well that's good to hear UK" he then turned his focus to the road again. 'why am I still feeling this guilt in me...' I said not trying to tear up.
...... (._.)
"UK where here," the French said, I opened the door and walked out of the car. I looked at France...and he looked at me and smiled, "s-stop smiling at me stupid rat!" I closed the car door and walked to my house.

_o.o~A Moment Later~o.o_

I was sitting on my couch listening to some music and drinking tea, it was peaceful when suddenly I had a call. I groaned while picking up my phone and answering it "hello?" I said "hello Dad I have bad news" said a worried America on the other line ( ._. what happe- UK: Shut up author ) "what's the bad news?"
There was silence "hello? America are you still there?" ......." oh! yes I'm still here dad" he said "again...what's the bad news?" I swore I could hear America sniffing, is he crying...." dad...papa just got into a car accident...".....My mind stopped for a moment....then I felt tears running down my cheeks "A-America....where is he now..." I said about to cry "he's at St Peter's Hospital ( I just searched it -_- )" "o-ok....America one question is he ok?..." I said.... then I covered my mouth because of the shocking news....

To Be Continued~

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