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Jax's P.O.V.

I was in school going to the library but I saw Emma, sitting on a bench she didn't have her beautiful smile like she usually has. I walked up to her and sat next to her. she looked at me with a smileand said hey jax, but he smile quickly turned into a frown.

I asked her what's wrong.

No one's P.O.V.

E: Oh it's nothing
J: Em I know something is wrong because you don't have your usually beautiful smile.
E: Okay well before my mother died we used to go to Disney World always this week, but when she died my dad never wanted to take me so I haven't been there sense I was 7.

Emma's. P.O.V.

After I told Jax what was wrong, jax to my hand after that I saw a flash then boom I saw the Cinderella castle I turned to jax and hugged him so tight. I looked at him, we both leaned in I felt his lips on mine.

After we pulled away from our kiss I realized that we were both in our uniforms, we flashed on some clothes that we would actually wear. The rest of the day we were just riding the rides. when me and jax rode tower of terror I would hold jaxs hand tight every time they dropped us. But when me and jax were watching the fire works at night and tinker bell was flying over the castle me and jax looked at each other, then kissed. It was the most magical kiss every thing was perfect and at that moment it felt like it was just me and him in the entire world. after that we stayed there for a few more hours. after I was really tired he flashed me and him home. my dad was on a business trip so Jax stayed over, me and him curled up next to each other then went to sleep. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

Until I heard someone knocking and opening my bedroom door. I heard someone call my name I looked up and was already.

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