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Jasmines P.O.V.

I saw Emma's and Jax's faces and knew that someone did this to them and needed to know. that's why I had to show them the real me.
Me: first of all I am Jasmine member me jax.
That's when I turned in to the real me and Jax hugged me so tight.
E: Jasmine thanks goodness it's you and do you know who did this??
Me: yes it was Daniel and E.
Jax and Emma had those shocked faces where you know something is going to happen that's worse if it had someone or something involved. there was an awkward silence for a minute or two .
E: so how did this happen how did they accomplish this?
Me: well E is going to return and she know about this and this was her plan she would pretend to be your long lost twin and also Daniel remembers too so, E can have Jax and Daniel gets you.
J: well that is not going to happen now.
Me: well.....
J: Jasmine?
Me: well you and Jax need to pretend not to know and then during the next full moon take them to the sea and the take them to my moon pool they will forever be a mermaid and a merman.
E: really and then we can finally be together.
Me: yup. well I think you and Emma have to go now I will be at school tomorrow okay and I will explain the other part of the plan.

Emma's P.O.V.

Me: look Jax you and me have to be careful.
Jax then pulled me into a hug then leaned in and kiss me it felt so right.
J: I know and you realize for this plan to work you and me can't be together and you have to stay with Daniel and I have to be with E.
Me: I know but for now let's not worry about that.
Jax smirked at me then leaned in for a kiss we both sat on the coach
And just kissed.

Jax's P.O.V.

That whole night me and Emma just talked about everything and I had already loved Emma before I found out everything but it still felt I was falling in love again. It was 10:00 I knew Emma was tired. So I told her I had to go.
E: please don't go I want you o stay I will be here all alone.
J: okay
I took Emma's hand we ran up the stairs se jumped on the bed getting under the covers I took off my pants, then took off my shirt I looked at Emma and she kept looking at me I smirked at her. I saw her blush. Then I jumped on the bed and kissed her we then started to make out. When we pulled out we just cuddled then went to sleep.


I woke up to a pillow being thrown at my face.
Me: 5 more minutes.
E: No we are going to be late.
Me: okay mom.
E: come on Jax hurry up remember Daniel said I can't talk to you and e is coming to day so you have to come to school early.

At School

Me and Jax walked into school we weren't holding hands tho but still talking and laughing. But that's when we heard foot steps and looked exactly like and it was E.

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