I love you...

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Emma's P.O.V.

So it is the next day at school and I just thought what happened that day I was shore I choose Jax. That's when I saw jaw come up to me.
J: hey em
E: hey jax...
J: so about last night...I do love you. very much.
E: really?
J: I do. come with me.
Jax grabbed my hand and me and Jax are always there early. so he took me to this room above the stage. the walls looked old but everything inside looked knew.
J: Emma I love you
E: Jax I love you too. But something is going on one minute I am with you and the next am with denial and your with jasmine.

That's when Jax pulled me into a kiss and it felt like our very first kiss all over again. But then again our kisses always feel like the first time.Me or Jax never pulled apart. I took off Jax's jacket off. then Jax started to take my shirt. that's when I realized we are in school.
E: Jax we are in school.
J: I know but you know you were into it.
E: shut up. and what about jasmine.
J: umm well I am going to break up with her and by the way what you said about being with me then with denial I had the same feeling.

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