Gaibotsu Games Chapter 8 - Scorching Desire

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Gaibotsu Games Chapter 8 - Scorching Desire

It was 10:00 P.M. in Nishina, and it was a few days after the group's victory against Ito Isshi. A young boy, who was 13 with a blonde ponytail with red highlights, a maroon-colored sleeveless hoodie, and light grey pants passed by the sign saying 'Welcome to Nishina.' The boy was silent his entire walk, and he grinned when he finally entered the city of Nishina.

Saisuke was doing some pull ups in the harbour. He was doing it from the top of a crane, and he was sweating a lot. He counted and counted, until he finally reached 100 pull ups. Saisuke jumped down and sat on the ground to take a break. Saisuke then noticed the boy walking through the harbour.

Saisuke: "Hey kid, what are you doing out here so late?"

Chuuji: "That isn't any of your business."

Saisuke: "Hey, hold on... you look very familiar, yet you don't. Where have I seen that blonde hair before? No, it couldn't be him... he looked less girly, and he's dead."

Chuuji: "Are you referring to Kiriyama Haruku?"

Saisuke: "That's the guy! What about him?"

Chuuji: "I am Kiriyama Chuuji, Haruku's younger brother. Not too long ago, my brother was obliterated from existence after he battled a man named Kurosaki Akuri. I've been wandering all over Japan looking for Kurosaki so I can get revenge for my older brother!"

Saisuke: "Well Kurosaki is here in Nishina, but you're not laying a finger on him. Us Demolishers are too much for you kid, you should leave."

Chuuji: "I'm not leaving until I find Kurosaki and kill him!"

Saisuke: "If you don't leave, I'll use my Gaibotsu to drown you in a pit of sand."

Chuuji: "Sand, huh? Bring it on!"

Saisuke: "Gladly!"

Chuuji and Saisuke took out there Gaibotsu capsules and pressed the button. The two were transferred to the Gaibotsu void, and jumped quite a distance away from each other. They threw the capsules in the air and their Gaibotsu manifested. Chuuji's Gaibotsu was the Qilin, the mythical hooved chimerical creature known in Chinese and other East Asian cultures. Parts of Qilin's body were on fire, and he was bearing two antlers on each side of his head, and a horn in the center.

Saisuke: "What's a reptile horse going to do? My Kheper will destroy it!"

Chuuji: "Don't get so cocky Mr..."

Saisuke: "Aochi Saisuke. You better remember that. Kurosaki should've killed you as well when he was in Hiroshima."

Chuuji: "Shut up and fight!"

Kheper took out his staff and fired multiple sand blasts that were shaped like scarabs at Qilin. Qilin quickly dodged and dashed towards Kheper. Qilin bit Kheper's staff and broke it in half with his powerful jaw. Qilin then jabbed Kheper in the chest with his antlers and horn. Kheper stumbled back, and managed to heal himself with sand.

Saisuke: "It seems your Gaibotsu is quite fast. No matter, I was once told that every flame dies out, and I plan to make that true here tonight!"

Kheper's eyes glowed white and he jumped high in the air. He became immersed in a massive sand tornado, and fired himself towards Qilin.

Saisuke: "Let's finish this in one hit! Feral Sand Cyclone!"

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