Gaibotsu Games Chapter 32 - Evolution Go!

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Gaibotsu Games Chapter 32 - Evolution Go!

Everyone was now fully awake and Hajime filled them in on the recent events that happened. Reito and Chuuji were long gone to do their own training, while Hajime stayed behind.

Wataru: "Chuuji battled Ryusei?!"

Hajime: "I warned him not to, he's lucky he didn't get brutally demolished like I did all those years ago."

Touya: "What did Ryusei want?"

Hajime: "He wanted all of you, he was probably going to forcibly wake you all up so you could battle him, but we weren't having it..."

Shouichi: "Well Hajime, thanks for protecting us. I... I'm still worried about Atsushi... everything he said hit me really hard."

Ai: "I still couldn't believe Atsushi would say something so cruel to you... I thought he was a nice guy back then."

Umiyo: "And now the ungrateful bastard has shown his true colors."

Touya: "Most of what he said wasn't even true, you stuck with your brother a lot, right Shouichi?"

Everyone looked at Shouichi, who was acting quiet after he talked with Hajime. He looked to be sweating a bit, a sign of nervousness. After a while, he suddenly began bursting into tears. Everyone was confused and rushed to comfort their friend.

Touya: "Shouichi it's alright--"

Shouichi: "No, Atsushi was right! I've been an awful little brother, I never paid attention to him, and now he hates me! He took me to movies, fairs, and did everything a brother should and I never thanked him!"

Wataru: "Calm down you don't need to be so hard on yourself..."

Shouichi: "No, Atsushi had every right to be pissed off at me. I... I am an awful brother!"

Everyone didn't know how to react to Shouichi's bawling, they all just felt really sorry for him. Hajime couldn't handle much more of it and decided to leave them alone. While Shouichi cried, Touya walked in front of him.

Touya: "Snap out of it, Shouichi. You're right about never having time for Atsushi, but that's all in the past. We need to focus on taking down the Demolishers, and maybe... just maybe... you could make up for all that to Atsushi."

Shouichi: "R-Really...?" He said, looking at his best friend.

Touya: "We're not giving up on Atsushi or Yukiteru. In the meantime... I wouldn't mind being your brother." Touya said, letting out his hand.

Shouichi smiled with joy and grabbed Touya's hand to pull himself up. The two then looked at the others with determination in their eyes, ready to begin some training. They all smiled and took out their capsules, teleporting to the Gaibotsu void.

Meanwhile in the Tatsumi Services building, everyone was enjoying a nice drink of watermelon drink from a cocktail glass. Ryusei informed his underlings about the recents events, and everyone was surprised.

Ryusei: "I did not get them... but I did get one of their friends..."

Kurosaki: "That Chuuji kid was making a mistake challenging you, I'm glad you put him in his place."

Ikkou: "I do wonder what will happen to Yuki-Onna now that there is a piece of mulberrite inside of it. Although... Itakura Reito is quite a strong Gaibotsu player, I'm sure he'll manage."

Atsushi: "The real question is whether my brother and his little friends would be able to handle it. Mulberrite has the power to completely destroy a Gaibotsu, isn't that correct?"

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