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Needlessly - need·less·ly - /ˈnēdlislē/

1. in a way that is unnecessary because it is avoidable


That's all Odessa knew as she raced ahead of Alec. Well, that and anger. She was still upset with his outburst and refused to speak to him. She hated that he called her childish, that he had the audacity to yell at her and tell her she was nothing more than a petulant ten-year-old throwing a tantrum because her parents did not buy her the poofy dress she wanted. Or at least that is how Odessa interpreted it. Sure, she tended to let her temper get the best of her and she had to really concentrate to reel it in, but she didn't view it as a terrible thing. It was just the way she was, and sometimes being angry was totally okay.

He ran a few meters behind her, never letting her see him but keeping her in his sight. It was tense no matter how much distance was put between them, and it put her on edge continuously feeling that tension wrap around her frame and squeeze her. The predator within her wanted to face him and snarl in his face before tearing it off and burning his body to ash. The human within her wanted to yell in his face before hugging him and apologizing for her actions. She leaned toward the latter rather than the former only because she knew what happened to a vampire after their mate died. She was too prideful to apologize for something she knew she wasn't wrong for. So she said something a bit out of left field - that didn't mean she was in the wrong.

The way the Cullens held themselves rubbed her the wrong way. Every time she was around them, they acted like they were above others. They acted like they were better than other vampires simply because they chose not to drink human blood. Drinking animal blood instead of human blood didn't make you a better person. Your personality didn't change just because you chose to eat vegetables instead of chocolate. Maybe Odessa was just being bitter, but the way everyone praised the Cullens for doing trivial things peeved her. The Cullens held so many flaws, yet everybody focused on the way they had stood up to the Volturi. The hopeful rumors circulating the vampire world that another uprising could occur due to the Cullens courageous acts were stupid. No one wanted to see the selfish acts that led up to it. Honestly, having sex with a human with the knowledge that you could potentially kill them was dumb. Not to mention the danger they could have put everyone in if the Volturi were as bloodthirsty as everyone made them out to be. It was laughable that everyone thought the Volturi would attack every single coven on earth to gain powerful gifts. Sure, they were hungry for gifts such as Alec's, Jane's, and hers, but they weren't so barbaric that they went out of their way to kill others for them. And can anyone honestly forget the elephant in the room that is Jasper's past? Odessa wouldn't have known if she hadn't seen the picture framed and set on the two-drawer stand in their upstairs hallway, proudly highlighting his time in the Confederate army. Odessa did not like the Cullens - save for Renesmee but who knew how long it would take before they started to affect the way Renesmee acted.

It took them less time than it had taken her and Nahuel to arrive in Chile, something Odessa was grateful for. They avoided bustling places and stuck to the shadows of the cities until they left the populous area and entered the dense foliage of the mountain. Odessa wasn't sure of Nahuel and Huilen's exact location, but she knew that she was close. Their distinct smell permeated weakly through the air, steadily getting stronger the farther she ran. She followed the scent until she came across a small and cozy house nestled in the forest. As she approached, Nahuel and Huilen stepped out of the house and greeted her kindly. Odessa greeted them back with a smile.

"How have you been?" Odessa asked them.

"We are doing good," Huilen answered. "Now that Joham is not around anymore, it is easy to relax."

"I am glad to hear that," Odessa said sincerely.

"You brought someone with you?" Nahuel asked as he gestured towards Alec, who stood off to the side to watch the small reunion. "He must be important to you."

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