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Ultimately - ul·ti·mate·ly - /ˈəltəmətlē/

1. finally; in the end

2. at the most basic level

Meeting with the leaders only an hour after arriving and deciding she was staying was nerve-wracking. What could they possibly want with her so soon? An hour in a vampire's mind was similar to ten minutes in a human's mind. Time flew by quickly for a vampire because nothing changed, yet everything moved a mile a minute. Vampires sorted through thoughts quicker and they could think about different things at a time without losing a train of thought. And when a vampire immersed into something or grew bored and nothing changed, time flew by. It was like sitting on a hillside in the country with no worries plaguing your mind and causing unnecessary stress. Taking a step back and gazing at the still scenery as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world and wondering just what else the world had in terms of intricacies. And when the day turned into night, it was surprising that it felt like no time had passed yet the day had been lost to mindless comfort.

When the hour was up, she stood from the bed she'd been laying on and calmly walked down to the throne room. On the way, she ran into Felix, Demetri, and Alec talking quietly in the common room. They looked at her as she walked by, but she ignored them in favor of getting her mind ready for whatever conversation she was going to have She tried to hide the anxiety creeping up on her, but her hands betrayed her. Their eager shakiness was hard to control and eventually she settled for holding them together behind her back. When she entered the throne room, she was floored because the leaders weren't there. There were a few lower ranking guards scattered throughout, but no one of utmost importance.

"Looking for the Masters?" one of them asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Where are they? I was supposed to meet with them," Odessa answered. The guard snickered as another guffawed. Her eyes narrowed in displeasure at the mocking nature of their responses.

"They were in their conjoined study, but I guess your hybrid nose isn't very helpful," the guard said.

"Excuse me?"

"No, excuse me," one butt in with a charming smile. "If you ever find yourself with an abundant amount of blood in your system, I would be happy to help you rid some of it. It would certainly be an experience to taste a hybrid's blood. Of course, I'd make it worth your while, too. I never leave my partners unsatisfied."

A different guard member elbowed him hard in the ribs and whispered, "Stop flirting with her. You know who her mate is. If he hears about this, you'll be dead."

"The hybrid here isn't on good terms with his highness yet," the guard said. "You saw how they interacted. He had to practically beg her to stay." He leered at her. "You won't say anything, will you sweetheart? It's not like you trust him enough to believe you."

Odessa was pissed that the guard thought he could talk to her like that. Who even propositions something like that? She'd rather be caught dead than to allow him access to any part of her. She told him as such, to which he growled and tried to grab her. She immediately took control of him and with bared teeth.

"You really think I am that defenseless that I need to inform my mate to allow him to take care of you when I can do it myself," she growled. She pulled him towards her and grabbed a hold of the front of his shirt. The other guards around them stood stock still while the guard in her grip startled in fright. "If I knew it would not get me in trouble, I would fold you in half so that your mouth could hold in the shit you are thinking rather than spewing it out."

"Let go of me!" the man hollered.

"Gladly," Odessa said as she raised him to the ceiling and dropped him. As he groaned, she walked over him and towards the door and said, "I would prepare yourself if I were you. I am not sure how my mate will take to your lewdness. If he glares at so much as a touch to my hand, I can only imagine the fury he will bestow upon you."

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