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Helpfully - help·ful·ly - /ˈhelpfəlē/

1. in a way that provides help

The only reason she traveled to the Cullens' house was to witness for them. That was all. She never signed up to fight centuries-old vampires who had years of experience fighting. Instead of producing a full-proof plan, they were sentencing themselves and Renesmee to death.

She ran until she reached the Canadian border. Her visit to Canada was pleasant and there was still some time before she needed to go back home. She checked into a hotel and settled in. She was quite thirsty, and a small headache started to wrack her brain from using her gift so much. She decided to order room service for the time being until she could go out and hunt for a drink.

Her food came and she dug in. She had ordered a strawberry cake and green tea. The first time she had ever eaten strawberry cake was on her first birthday. It was also the last time she was able to eat it while she was still in Joham's presence. Her grandmother had baked it for her, and they had celebrated her birthday together. They had only spent ten minutes together before Joham had found out and ended the celebration. Two days later, her grandmother was found dead.

Odessa sighed and polished off her piece of cake. She sipped on her tea as she gazed out the window. The sun was finally setting and soon she would be able to feed. She stood up and stretched her limbs. She ventured out of the hotel and into the streets. She walked aimlessly for about an hour before she found her target. A woman in her thirties with a green coat on was walking by herself in the opposite direction. Her lips were painted a coral pink and a hat was nestled over her curled, blonde hair. Odessa forced a confused and afraid expression on her face and approached the woman. The woman was wary of her approach but stopped and gave Odessa her attention.

"Excuse me," Odessa said in a small voice. "I got separated from my parents and I'm kinda lost. Can you help me find our hotel?"

"Oh, sweetie, of course," the woman said as she untensed. "Which hotel are you staying at?"

"The Hilton," Odessa answered quickly, playing up the act of a helpless teenager.

"I can take you there myself if you'd like?" the woman said. "I'm heading in that direction, too."

"Thank you so much!" Odessa exclaimed as they started walking. "My name is Odessa. What's yours?"

"Fei. It's a bit chilly outside. Where's your coat sweetheart?" Fei asked. Odessa glanced down at her long-sleeved shirt and pants sheepishly. She shrugged and tugged on the bottom of her shirt.

"I didn't believe my mom when she said it was going to be so cold. I regret it now," she said with a small, rueful laugh. She shivered for added effect and briskly rubbed her arms. Fei took off her coat, revealing a black blouse, and handed Odessa her coat.

"You need it more than me," Fei smiled. Odessa put her arms through the coat sleeves, zipped the coat, and smiled in thanks. As they walked, Odessa monitored the number of people around them. The crowd of people was dwindling, and it was only a matter of time before she got Fei alone. Fei noticed her flitting eyes and talked about anything she could think of to ease Odessa's worries. Odessa almost felt bad for her future actions; Fei was so kind to her and trusting of her.

When they were close to the hotel and the streets were empty, Odessa shrugged off the green coat and handed it to Fei. The woman looked at Odessa curiously and asked why she was giving her coat back.

"I don't need it anymore," Odessa said casually. "To be fair, neither do you."

Fei laughed anxiously and said, "It's too cold to walk around without a coat."

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