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Billie Zoe and I were hanging out at Zoe's house for a sleep over, we've all became really close friends and I've been falling for Billie more and more these past few weeks, I really want to ask her out but I'm very nervous so I asked Zoe to help me out and she agreed, right now we're cuddled up on the bed watching a movie and eating snacks,

"Hey guys I'm kinda bored I wanna play a game play a game how about t or d?" Zoe suggested

"Okay I'm down"

"Mmm o-okay"

we turned on the lights

"Who's gonna go first?" I asked

"I'll go"

"Okay Zoe truth or dare?"

"Mmm truth"

"Who do you like?"

"Um nobody at the moment"

"Okay I'll go next"

"Truth or dare?" Zoe asked


"I dare you to take a shot of liquor"

"Easy" I went downstairs and came back up with a shot "3 2 1" i drank it ignoring the burning sensation in my chest "damn that shit is strong"

"I know okay Billie your turn truth or dare"

"Um...dare" she said hesitantly

"I dare you to take off your shirt"

"Um o-okay" she said nervously taking off her shirt revealing a white tank top, it was fitting her body in all the right places god damn why she gotta be so fine, she covered her chest with the shirt looking down embarrassed

"It's okay Billie you can put it back on" Zoe told her

She picked up her shirt and put it back on with no hesitation

"Hey you're beautiful okay" I lifted up her chin watching her face turn bright red, I look over at Zoe and she winked at me

"Hey I have an idea" Zoe said

"What is it?" I asked

"Let's get drunk"

"Hell yeah"

"I-I've never drank before"

"Well today's your lucky day"

"I'm not sure"

"Okay fine you don't have to drink if you don't want to but still c'mon we're not leaving you out" Zoe pulled her out of bed and on her little feet

We went downstairs, played some music and started pouring some soda in some whiskey Billie just had regular soda

"Cmon Billie live a little" Zoe got her up from the chair in the kitchen

"You sure you don't want none?" I asked her

"-you know what fuck it"

"AYEE" me and Zoe said at the same time before mixing whiskey in her cup, she took a sip

"This is actually good" she took another sip

"Alright cheers bitches" Zoe recorded for her instagram story

One cup turned into another and another and let's just say we were all pretty drunk

"Let's go dance" Zoe turned off the lights revealing disco lights

"Let's go dance" Zoe turned off the lights revealing disco lights

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