Chapter 2: You're Lucky You Found Me, Then

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Before we made our way to Taecyeon's place, he crouched down in front of the wolves and instructed them in a language I was unfamiliar with. I tried my hardest not to stare in awe as they all nodded together in unison before dispersing. He then started humming a jolly tune as led the way through the thick woodland while I trudged behind him. I thought that after resting for a few hours, the ache in my legs would have gone away or dulled down by now. However, several minutes into our walk later, it became increasingly difficult for me to put one leg in front of the other. Noticing how my pace has slowed down, Taecyeon offered to carry me instead.

I politely declined while hiding a grimace. "I can manage a little more."

"Ever since I caught a whiff of your scent, I had my wolves keep an eye on you. They informed me that you were wandering around my forest for hours. I know for a fact that you are not conditioned for this long walk to my place," Taecyeon deadpanned.

I was too taken aback to protest, so I reluctantly complied. "Fine."

In one fell swoop, Taecyeon had me secured in his arms. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

We walked- rather, he walked while I held onto him- for a few minutes in silence before I grew restless with the lack of conversation. "So," I tentatively began. "How big is your forest?"

"About 15 acres? More or less," Taecyeon answered.

"All to yourself?" I asked him.

"Yup," he nonchalantly responded.

"Do you ever get lonely?" I genuinely wondered aloud, realizing too late that maybe some questions should be left to myself.

Taecyeon didn't seem bothered at all, though, and seemed to be carefully figuring out how he would answer. "There have been times. But I'm better off this way."

I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate on his statement, but he said nothing more.

Before we even reached our destination, I could already see the grand a grand cabin mansion that was sure a sight to behold.  I could only silently marvel at the vision that we were heading straight toward. Through the large windows, I could see that the cabin was picturesquely lit with dim lights. It was decorated in an old fashioned theme with simple yet lovely furnitures and a handful of impressive wooden carvings. The front yard was very well managed and consisted of the the various plants I came across earlier. I had to consciously shut my dropped jaw at the impressive sight.

"Wow," I gasped in amazement as Taecyeon set me back on my feet. "How does anyone not find this place?"

"Magic," he mysteriously replied. I was way too caught up in the mansion's beauty to even come up with any more questions to ask.

It felt as if my eyes were permanently widened. When I finally had enough of staring, I excitedly walked around the massive front lawn and was greeted by the sweet scent of the colorful exotic flowers. Taecyeon chuckled at my exclamations and expressions as I took my time relishing the beauty of his garden.

"Are you coming in or are you fine with staying out here in the cold?" Taecyeon jokingly asked while holding his front door open. His coat was already up on the rack along with his fur pelt.

"Of course I'm coming in, so get the heater ready!" I replied as I jogged to the door.

"If you liked the front yard, I'm sure you'll love it in here," Taecyeon assured me.

Seeing the decorations and the wooden carvings up close proved that the cabin was indeed even more beautiful on the inside. "Did you carve them all?" I inquired.

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