An Unexpected Surprise.

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Warning: This is possibly really terrible because I wrote this late at night and finished it just now at midnight haha. For tri-wizard tournament contest. Character based off of my other story, One's Loss is Another's Gain!

Enjoy! :)

"Violett Calantha!" Dumbledore boomed in a clear, projected voice. His moon-shaped spectacles glimmered in the light from the blue flames that had momentarily turned a blazing red, spitting out the name of Beauxbatons' first champion.

Meredith fidgeted with the fiery red fur coat that laid on her lap slightly, forgetting to clap for a brief time before her father glowered over at her from the head of the Slytherin table. Almost immediately the seventh year Durmstrang student yanked her hands away from underneath the table and began to mimic what every other person in the room was doing--pretending to be excited for the chosen champion.

But who could be proud of a student that is selected to participate in this tournament? The tri-wizard tournament was the ring of fire, a modern version of the Roman colosseum and people cheering for your death. Except no one realizes that their supporting your murder. But in years past almost all of the champions--except the one winner--dies from one of the horrendous tasks. Everyone is too focused on the chances of praise, glory, and fame to see the dangerous risks of the competition.

Pushing away the thoughts that tried to steal her attention, Meredith Burke eyed the short-haired Beauxbatons student whom confidently pounced from the Ravenclaw table to shake the hand of the Hogwarts headmaster. The blonde girl smoothed out her uniform, a blue satin dress that was paraded by her classmates. A permanent scowl sat on her face, and her light, seemingly warm eyes narrowed both viciously and pridefully on the crowd. It it wasn't for her pretentious aura, Violet may of been a very pretty girl.

"And the first champion from Durmstrang is..." Professor Dumbledore clenched the scorched slip of paper in between his fingers and looked at it carefully. My best friend, Makayla Alexander, edged forward from her seat anxiously. Her pink lips parted a little, the sound of excitement ready to escape them. Mia's eyes were wide with nervousness and I could feel the edges of my my mouth slightly curling up with amusement. I knew--without a doubt--Makayla's name would be on one of the papers that would fly out of the goblet. If not the first time, then one of the other two chances. She was the most devoted, determined girl at Durmstrang, and my father happened to work on the development of the goblet that was being used this year and knew exactly what it would be looking for in the champions. Meredith glanced over at him across the table, his matted fleece still draped around his shoulders, and rolled her eyes. Her father, Devin Burke, was having what seemed to be an intense conversation with Professor Karkaroff, but would every few seconds look back at the front of the room to where the goblet was, his eyes filled with the same anxiousness as everyone else.

Devin Burke was the reason--the only reason--Meredith was entered in this competition. Even with all the attempts at convincing his daughter the opportunity and rewards of this competition, she was reluctant. And he knew Meredith had the same attitude as her mother, Catherine, stubborn and independent. His daughter didn't want the fame, the attention of the tournament. She could barely handle the pressure of her teachers asking her questions in front of her classmates. But Devin couldn't let this opportunity disappear as soon it had come. There was a reason Meredith's birthday was only a few weeks before this competition, it wasn't just by accident. And her winning this could bring not only fame and glory to the family, but would get them back to good terms with the Dark Lord, proving she and the rest of the family was worth something. If Meredith could win this, and he knew she could, it could save their lives.

And so Meredith's father entered for her, and kept it a secret. There was no denying she'd be selected, but the shock and possible anger she would have was what he was worried about. Meredith thought the reason he came was to help out since he was a professor at Durmstrang, but really, he was going to enter her name in the goblet.

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