October 31st.

101 9 15

Entry Number Two for The Boy Who Lived Contest. {Team Alana}

If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side.

Everything collapsed the night Lily and James Potter were murdered.

Their murderer, Voldemort, wasn't supposed to know where the couple and their child was hiding.

The house was highly secure by the fidelius charm, and was protected by a secret keeper. Even Dumbledore was the one to take action to help the Potters, surely they would be safe.

But their original assumptions had been proven wrong. Peter Pettigrew, a close friend and the chosen keeper, betrayed them to Voldemort. The potters hadn't known that Peter had changed his allegiance to you-know-who.

And so when that disastrous night did come, and while they weren't prepared, the Potters did everything they could to save the night, to protect their son, Harry.

You can see your life out of the window tonight.

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off-" James shouted at his wife, terror rising in his stomach.

Lily Potter looked at her husband with fear, her emerald eyes becoming watery.

And in that moment, Lily knew it would be the last time she would ever lay eyes on her husband.

She would never again see his black, messy hair, his witty remarks, the hazel eyes she had come to love ever again.

She took in a huge breath of air and closed her eyes for a brief second realizing there was no chance her husband could survive. While James was one of the best wizards she had ever known and was brave, Voldemort showed no mercy and held power that they could ever imagine. And there was no chance she would live either. The only one that she had a chance of saving tonight was her son.

Of all the faces,

You are the one next to me.

A peaceful feeling made its way into her chest and she rest assured, glad she would be dying with the one she loved.

With his eyes locked on her, she gave him one last nod before running to Harry's room.

You can feel the light start to tremble
Washing what you know out to sea
You can see your life out of the window, tonight.

If I lose myself tonight,

it'll be you and I.

That night James Potter died a hero. According to Voldemort he died, "Straight-back and proud."

Lily Potter, as she made her way to Harry's crib, clutched her son in between her hands as the tears began to fall from her eyes. She could see the bright jade light out of the corner of her eyes coming frm downstairs and she knew that James was dead. 

She felt a lump in her throat as she tried to hold herself together. She knelt down and placed Harry back in his crib, whispering to her son as death approached.

"Harry," She repeated. "Harry, you are so loved. So loved." 

The young infant could only look up at his mother with confusion and fear from all the noise downstairs and bright lights flashing in the house.

"Harry, momma loves you." She uttered softly, the cold of the room nipping at her wet cheeks. "Daddy loves you."

"Harry be safe," Lily said before Voldemort had almost reached the bedroom. "Be strong."

You can feel the light start to tremble,
Watching what you know out to sea.

You can see your life out of the window, tonight.

Suddenly there was a sound of someone stumbling from a room, the door bursting open, and a high pitched cackle of laughter.

 "Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!" Lily screamed as Voldemort held his wand to her son's crib.

"Stand aside, you silly girl … stand aside now." He commanded, his voice making Lily's skin crawl and goosebumps form on her arms. Her heart turned violently inside her chest and she opened her dry mouth.

"Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead--," She tried to persuade him, taking a step closer to Harry's crib.

Lily begged, tears falling faster than they ever had. "Not Harry! Please … have mercy … have mercy…"

The very last thing Harry heard that night was a shrill voice laughing and a woman screaming.

That night, even though it seemed as if Voldemort had won, in reality, he had lost everything. Another part of himself had left his body and his power had dimenshed. Because of Lily's sacrifice, Harry was alive. And while Harry was alive the last part of the prophecy could be fulfilled that Voldemort didn't know about.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches … 

Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies… 

and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...

and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives.


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