Beauty & The Beast...& Elena

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>Yourself must meet your character


Belle sat quietly reading in the East Garden, off the Forest's edge of the castle, not a sound to be heard except the pages of her book creasing and turning. It wasn't until maybe a hundred pages later that she thought she heard a rustling of sorts around her. Belle gently lifted her head and looked out upon the flora, searching for a clue to the sounds. Her eyes caught something yellow in the patch of purple pansies and remained there for a moment to make sure it was something she should be worried about. Another movement from the flowers forced Belle to scurry to her feet and make her way over to the pansies.

A curious smile broke out on Belle's face at the sight of a girl, perhaps a few years younger than herself, lying peacefully in a flower bed. "Are you alright?"

The girl immediately awoke, her eyes piquing open to the bright sunlight. "Where am I?"

"You're in the Kingdom of King Adam," Belle responded smoothly, helping the girl up from the ground. "Specifically the castle garden. How you came to be here, that, I don't know."
When the girl came to her feet, Belle was able to see the girl fully, pansies no longer covering her body. She was tall, at least for her age, with bright, blonde hair--this must've been the yellow thing Belle had spotted in the flowers. While the girl was busy brushing the dirt off her arms and legs, Belle could hear  hear the girl breathing rapidly and she could not decide why, considering she was just lying down.

"Who are you?" The girl questioned, dismissing Belle's thoughts. Before Belle could answer, the blonde's head suddenly snapped back to where she was before.

"Belle, I live here at the castle," She answered to the girl's back. "And you are?"

The girl continued looking around in the garden anxiously until she finally turned to answer her. "My name is Elena... I'm not sure how I ended up here, my friend and I were practicing magic-"

"You're a sorceress?" She questioned; taking a step back cautiously. A look of worry crossed over her face.

"We prefer the term witches," Elena said, a mischievous smile reaching her eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not dangerous...well, most of the time." After a couple moments, her eyes flickered back to her surroundings. "You haven't seen a boy around here, around my age, have you? His name is Daniel." She finally explained her strange behavior.

"I think I would've noticed a grown boy in the garden." Belle laughed, but the girl only looked more worried.

After a few moments she seemed to give up her search around the garden. "You don't have happen to know how to magically transport to another world, do you?" Elena asked, her smile falling.

"How could you appear here if you're not sure how to get back?" Belle said in response, confuddled. She knew little of magic.

"The two of us were attempting to find a source to channel from and somehow we were transported here." She sighed, and tried to organize her thoughts,

"Excuse me for prying, but why would you channel power from,"-The young woman hesitated, contemplating her own question-"Here?"

Elena gazed at the castle for a moment and then her eyes lit up. "I'm not familiar with this place as you must be though I think I may of seen this scenery and the castle somewhere before." She mentioned to Belle and then tried answering her question in non-witchy terms. "Daniel and I were attempting to do a spell that hasn't been used for decades, not to mention it's far above our ability, and we needed to draw extra magic from somewhere. I don't know the source, probably a magical object, that we pulled from--but I do know it must be so powerful that it would act as a beacon of magic, shadowing other possible sources and making it easy to draw from."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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