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(Shit gets sorta dark. Don't read ahead if you're a snowflake or experience trauma due to certain topics. That goes for this entire story, as well as this bio.)

Miyuki Itami

Quirk: Feline

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Quirk: Feline

Her quirk grants her extremely heightened senses in all aspects, speed unmatched by nearly all others, unmatched agility and flexibility, Extreme leaping capabilities, and cat like features such as an extra set of large feline ears, fangs, retractable claws under fingernails, and a tail (she can even purr).

Drawback: Due to cats being primarily predatory creatures, she was also born with a similar bloodlust inside of her, causing her to gradually go feral and desperately search for someone to devour if she doesn't consume what she confirmed needs to be human flesh on a regular basis. (She can eat other foods, but human flesh is the only meat that can satiate her quirk-based hunger.)

Likes: Being on the hunt, Eating things alive (primarily humans... fucking cannibalistic bastard lol), Snuggling (yup you read that right), Blood, Izuku, Izuku's parents, Sleeping

Hates: Being away from Izuku for any period of time, being hungry, being awake for too long, getting splashed by any liquid, outdoors, loud noises (especially. She won't have a fun time against Jiro or Present Mic lol)

Personality: Unlike Izuku, who was born with evil in his heart, Miyuki's evil derives solely from her quirk. However, this doesn't make her any less evil. She, just as most house cats would be with their respective owners, is very territorial of Izuku with anyone besides his parents. In other words, she's a yandere (This goes the same for Izuku). She will constantly shower Izuku with love in all forms, except for the naughty naughty, mainly because neither of the two want a kid at their age (and also cause dear old author-kun aint about to write a lemon).

Fun Fact: Her deep love for Izuku and his parents actually prevents her from ever trying to kill them, even in her feral state. She just reverts into a loyal house cat that wants to kill people.


Izuku Myers

Quirk: Ecstatic

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Quirk: Ecstatic

The pleasure he derives from killing/torturing or imagining doing so grants him nigh-unlimited regeneration, superhuman strength, and superhuman speed.

Drawback: Effects vary on the level of pleasure he feels.

Likes: Killing, Torturing, Blood, Miyuki Itami, Parents, Sharp Objects, The fear of his victims

Hates: Bright colors, People getting in his way (other than those listed above), Dull knives, Daytime

Personality: Izuku, just like Michael Myers, was born with a heart that was, as Dr. Loomis put it, purely and simply evil, along with a quirk that suited his personality perfectly. However, unlike his father, who likes to plan out every move he makes and targe every person he wants to kill beforehand, has no desire to murder selectively. Instead he chooses to kill whomever is closest by, simply because it's fun. While most villains have some semblance of good in their heart that was tainted by something tragic happening, making appealing to their emotions potentially effective, this does not hold true for him anyone in the family (heroes don't know that obviously). The only people he ever allows to stop him from doing something, or direct him in any way, are his parents and girlfriend, simply because he is aware that he acts almost only on instincts, and trusts their judgement more than his own in most scenarios.

Fun (and weird asf) Fact: He found himself a fetish for Miyuki's ears, and will constantly scratch them.

Fun (Less weird) Fact (that will be explained in more depth later in the actual story): Izuku and Miyuki found love with one another because of the mutual passion for killing. They realized that they had finally met someone they didn't want to kill, and thus, shit that I aint saying now happened.


Inko Myers

(Didn't have a photo. Use your imagination)

Quirk: Psychokinesis

Telepathy + Telekinesis

Drawback: Headache from overuse

Likes: Michael Myers, Izuku Myers, Miyuki Itami, Mass Theft, Mental Torture, The naughty business that will go unmentioned, Pranks

Hates: Killing (blood is too messy), Blood (<---), People getting in her way, Anyone besides her family being happy (She finds cheerfulness annoying)

Personality: She's a psychotic bastard just the rest, except she'd much rather have someone go insane or potentially suicidal due to trauma (preferably caused by her) than to get her own hands dirty. In regards to her family, she simply enjoys pranking them instead.

Fun Fact: All Might secretly crushes on her (don't ask... I'll elaborate more in the story...)

Fun Fact: She sometimes has random spasms of maniacal giggles


Michael Myers

(Imagine his face looks like whatever u want)

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(Imagine his face looks like whatever u want)

Quirk: Target

When in "hunt" mode, which is activated by him, his regenerative properties borderline along immortality, and he gains superhuman-strength and speed (although he rarely uses his speed)

(In other words, as long as one single cell of him exists, he can regenerate back to normal. Also, imagine that he is always in hunt mode during the movies)

Drawback: When in his "hunt" mode, all cognitive skills shift to work towards one goal, which is normally the killing of a specific person. If anyone gets in his way of the goal while he's in this mode, he kills them without hesitation.

Likes: His family, Killing, challenging himself

Hates: People getting in his way, Laurie Strode

Personality: While still being evil beyond comprehension, he is far more relaxed than the rest of the family. He spends most of his time researching people who would be challenging for him to kill, making them primarily heroes and villains. He's also held an infinitely long grudge against his sister, Laurie Strode for reasons unbeknownst to even himself. Long story short, society got very unlucky that someone with his personality got that quirk.

Fun Fact: He is unable to go into hunt mode against his family, and, if they get in the way of his goal, his subconscious actually has him ignore them entirely instead of kill them.

TLDR: OP family of social rejects who like to kill people

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