Chapter 1

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On brink of midnight one evening, the professional hero Shota Aizawa, better known as Eraserhead on the streets of Japan, was called into action to investigate a string of crimes that had been reported in Gojo City (random name I came up with. I dunno if it's real. If it is, then oopsy I guess). To him, at least, what he had found was more bone chilling than the average murder. All across the city were dead bodies littered around, rotting away, covered in what appeared to be bite and claw marks than ran deep into their bodies. Some had large chunks of flesh ripped out of their stomachs and limbs, while others were missing some of their limbs entirely.

The hero concluded that every victim was killed by the same person, or... thing. At that point, he wasn't sure what to call it. Anyone who would so gruesomely ravage through civilians without any shred of remorse or restraint could hardly be considered human in his eyes.

Everywhere he looked, more and more bodies of unfortunate civilians were found; some in alleyways... some right in the open city for people to see... some even in private homes. The only reason he found bodies indoors was because of the shattered windows that looked as if someone had jumped straight through them. It all kept getting worse. Entire families, along with their homes were torn apart in such a grotesque manner.

More bodies...

More property decimated...

It was a literal nightmare taking place within the confines of reality, and not within one's own head. This death was real, not some elaborate scheme, and yet somehow, he felt as though that would've been more likely. Somehow, an entire city conspiring to prank a single hero seemed more realistic than a massacre caused by a single entity.

But that was the problem. Because of the astronomically low chances of such a dangerous being existing, acting upon the scenario was an endeavor in and of itself. His mind raced as he tried to form even the beginning of some solution. He considered alerting the other heroes, but realized that doing so may scare off the perpetrator, allowing them to escape. Trying to find and take down the villain was another option than ran through his mind. Being able to utilize the element of surprise was a plus, without question, however that was only a small part of the task that would be taking down a singular monster who was able to cause a mass murder on such an abnormal scale.

Shota couldn't exactly wrap his head around it all as he leaped across the roofs of the city buildings. He soon began hearing screams that pierced the sweet and ignorant silence, and the shivers that came along with it left a single question to be answered.

Why? What could've possessed someone to commit this atrocity?

He needed to know the answer, and he knew well that the chance to gather that info was drawing ever closer. He stripped running, allowing himself to survey the surrounding area and attempt to track the location of the latest screams. Unfortunately, the noises had ceased before he stopped moving, so he didn't have much an idea of wear to begin his search. He was forced to rely solely on his eyes, and after glancing around in every which way, he saw it.

He spotted the thing he was searching for.

On the opposite end of the building adjacent to the one he stood on, stood a single silhouette that took the form of a teenage girl, with...

... cat ears?

He knew that a closer look was necessary, and took a single step forward towards the edge of the rooftop, peering over the side and spotting a ladder along the wall of the next building. Making sure it was still safe for him to proceed, he glanced back up, towards where he originally saw the catlike figure, but it wasn't there.

'What...?' He thought, unsure of where the figure had gone to. He backed away from the edge and twirled around, making sure that nobody was nearby, then peered back at the other building. The figure had still yet to reappear, which led to him having small thoughts of doubt. Perhaps he'd been out too long, and he was getting drowsy? Could it have been the moonlight playing tricks on his eyes? Making sure this wasn't an issue, he rubbed his hands along his face and tried to clear out any potential liquids or specs of dust that could've tainted his vision. While doing this, he heard what could only be described as a small scuffle from behind him. He swung around to see what it was, and when he got his answer, his blood ran deathly cold.

The figure was standing on the opposite end of the same rooftop he stood on. Somehow, it had managed to sneak along the outer wall of both buildings in the time it took for him to wipe his eyes. With the distance between them shorter than previously, Aizawa was able to make out the shape of figure in greater detail.

What stood before him was as he suspected. A female with some sort of mutation quirk that resulted in her having the features of a cat. He was able to confidently make out large furry ears protruding from the top of her head, as well as a fluffy tail sticking out from her backside. The bright moon reflected its light along her piercing red eyes that sliced through the darkness of the night, nearly petrifying the seasoned pro hero. There wasn't any movement from her. She simply stood there, silently.

"Who are you?!" He yelled, mustering the courage to take a few steps forward, and to try an initiate a reaction from her. Yet...

There was nothing. No reaction at all.

"Are you behind the murders all around this city?!" He tried once more, but it was still to no avail. All he got was a single emotionless blink from the girl, which was scarier than all else. The blink meant that either she was illiterate, at least in the language of Japanese, or that she simply chose not to respond. 

Neither of the two were preferable over the other for him, as either one meant that there was no telling what the girl would do next. While she was suspicious indeed, Aizawa couldn't even tell for sure if she was the perpetrator of all of the crimes. 

"Say something!!" His voice rose, indicating urgency. He got no verbal response, but after blinking a single time, she disappeared from his eyesight. Not knowing what could happen, he took out his cellphone, and found a message line straight to Detective Naomasa, who had direct control of large sectors of the police force. He sent his location to him, and brought the phone to his face to speak into it and send a voice message along with it,"This is the Pro Hero Eraserhead with a request for immediate dispatch to the location I sent!! I'm facing what appears to be a villain with the potential to be a massive threat to our national security!!"

He pressed send on the message and swiftly turned around, checking to see if the girl had moved behind him, and this suspicion was confirmed. There she was, standing a mere 10 feet from him. Her facial features were clear as if it were daytime at that distance. Tiny fangs that were visible from the edges of her mouth (it wasn't in the photo, but imagine them lol)... small markings similar to that of tiger laced around the sides of her face... and those eyes... with the distance shortened, he could see the bloodlust oozing out of them...

As the frightened expression grew on Aizawa's face, the girl smiled devilishly, baring her white fangs. The hero immediately recognized the scene that was moments from transpiring, so he threw his capture tape towards her in desperation, but...

It failed.

While he was in the midst of tossing it, the feline female dashed forward at a blinding speed, and dug her claws right through his chest. It took a moment, but as he stood confused, wondering where she'd gone, he felt a sharp pain near his abdomen. He looked downwards spotting, the blood pouring out of the open tears in both his shirt and his own flesh. He clinched his chest, trying to stop the blood, and fell to the floor. 

Behind him, the girl licked the blood off of her claws, while also giving off a light purr. She personally enjoyed this little encounter, which was all it took to stimulate the pleasure necessary for that pleasant and calming sound to come out.

"Why..." After hearing the small groaning of a single word, she tilted her head and giggled again, giving off an innocent look.

"Well... it's really fun!!"

(If you're wondering why he didn't use his quirk, it's cause he could tell that she had a mutant quirk, which he's useless against)

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