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I stood outside the bar, my arms wrapped around myself

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I stood outside the bar, my arms wrapped around myself. It was bloody cold and she was late for ten minutes now. I was starting to get nervous, I've never been here before but Dawn insisted we had to come and check it out. It was my night off today and we agreed on meeting outside as soon as she finished. I quickly pulled my phone out of my purse and called her again. It went straight to voice male and I sighed before placing it inside again.

I turned around and laid my eyes on the entrance were people went through security before entering the bar. I had a feeling this was a bad idea from the start. Then my eyes fell on the sign above the entrance 'Fangtasia' . What a lame name, who the hell named it? I thought before sighing once more of what I was about to do. I didn't came all the way here just to leave. I should at least get a drink. I hesitantly walked further towards the entrance and walked in line.

By the entrance stood a woman with blonde hair, dressed in black and checking everyone who passed through. When it was my turn I tried to not to look nervous and act like I do this all the time. She, though, placed her arm out stopping me. I gulped and looke at her. ''ID please.'' she spat out and I nodded before taking out my ID and showing it to her. She looked at it an then gave me a smirk. ''I love your dress.'' she stated and I looked at her confused before looking at the tight red dress I was wearing.

''Uh...thanks.'' I replied, tryint to look confident.

''No one will know if blood will be spilled on it.'' she stated with the smirk never leaving her face and allowed me to walk inside. My eyes widened just slightly but I kept on walking before taking a big breath.

I looked around the bar, the colors black and red all around. Loud music played making it all most impossible to concentrate in anything else but that. There were a few dancers on small round stages around the club. Then my eyes fell straight ahead on a guy sitting on some kind of throne. He had long blond hair and was dressed all in black. I continued looking at him dazed, not being able to take my eyes off him for some reason. His glare turned towards me and his eyes pierced me among the people standing in front of me. I felt extremely uncomfortable and quickly turned my look away before walking to the bar.

I sat on a stool not daring to look towards that guy again and the bartender came to take my order. ''What can I get you?'' he said with a seductive voice and studied my body with his eyes.

''Just a gin and tonic, please.'' I state and when he was gone I took out a big breath and rested my elbows on the bar before placing my head in my palms. Why do I always get in the worst situations?

''Oh man, look at that chic over there, you think she's a vamp?''

''I don't know man but she's fucking hot.''

The voices rang in my mind and I immediately turned around to see where they come from. That was the time I realised I could only a few voices in my head which made no sense since I'm in a room filled with people. I couldn't locate the two jerks so I turned back to the bartender who brought my drink. ''What made you come here alone?'' the bartender asked and I sighed before taking my drink.

THE TASTE OF LOVE| Eric NorthmanWhere stories live. Discover now