Chapter 5: Elizabeth's Tail

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          I turned to look at Beth who had turned a shade of green almost.  “Are you okay?” I asked her.

          She nodded and then shook her head.  “Nope, I’m terrified.  I have no idea how to convey my personality in a story!” she snapped.

          “Technically, it’s just one character trait, Beth,” Taylor spoke up trying to console her.

          She nodded, “I know, but how do you pick just one?”

          “Go with the first trait that comes to your mind,” Kara suggested.

          Brandon and T.J. both nodded.  “That’s what we did,” they spoke simultaneously.

          “Okay, I think I’ve got one,” Beth informed us.  She took a deep breath and then began:

            Once there was a princess who lived in a beautiful castle.  Every morning she trained to be queen and at night she dreamed of being free.  She wanted to be out there with the other subjects.  Just to know what was going on.  How could she, as queen, make judgments on something that she had no idea of?

          She did her training and once lunch was served proposed her question, “My liege, do you propose that I go out with some royal guards and see the town?”

          “No, it’s far too dangerous,” the king answered.

          She nodded and was about to continue with her meal when she asked, “Wouldn’t I be able to make better judgments if I went into town myself?”

          This time it was the queen who answered, “Your father said no.  Don’t speak of this again!”

          So the princess went back to her meal.

        “Could the princess have a name?” I asked ruining Beth’s story as well as her train of thought.

          Taylor agreed, “It would be easier to follow if you gave people some names.”

          “Would you like to tell my story?” Beth asked.

          We both shook our heads no.  Clinton spoke up, “You’re supposed to be the one telling it.  I’m pretty sure that if someone else were to then the person on the other end of Aria’s phone wouldn’t give away their position.”

          “Are you guys done with the commentary so I can continue?  Or do you want to slander my story some more?” Beth asked.

          T.J. answered, “Well, since you brought it up, I would like to say that you’re doing a wonderful job.”

          “Thanks T.J.  May I continue now?” Beth asked.

          We all stayed quiet as Beth continued:

          Princess Dawn went back to her meal as instructed.  She still couldn’t get the idea out of her head.  As a princess she was supposed to be obedient, but she knew that she could make better judgments on the matters of the kingdom if she could just get to know the villagers.

          At dinner she tired again.  “Mother, father, my lieges, I offer my most sincerest respect as I make you this offer.  You are both growing older as I am too.  Wouldn’t it be a grand thing for the villagers to get to know me as a princess before I am made their queen?”

          King Edward and Queen Lucille were quiet for awhile.  They both were thinking over what their daughter had requested.  This time there was a loop hole in the princess’s request.  She had simply said that the subjects were to meet her, not that she meet the subjects in their own homes.  The subjects could be brought to the castle.  It could be done.

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