Author's Note

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Dear Reader(s),

I appreciate you (guys) continuing with the series.  It's amazing to think that when I post this Conquering Love as a total of 109 reads.  109!  I appreciate you (guys) so much!

Okay so this story is once again a pure work of fiction.  The Men in Black aren't the same ones who have Will Smith on thier side and fight aliens.  They are simply a coined phrase that's easier to say than Mythical Immortal Beings.  Also, as usual, the artwork is not mine.  Pretty sure it's again thanks to Bing.  Bing has awesome pictures :).

This story was an old assignment from last year's Advanced Lit so don't copy it.  However, you may use it as a point of reference.  I did get an A :D.  However, if you have the same teacher I did, then you know that she's not going to grade you that hard on it.  So I hope you enjoy it in it's digital form.  I'm sure she still has the original copy that you can see it its paper glory.  Also, surprisingly, my story wasn't the longest out of the group.  So for those of you who don't really like to read lengthly pieces this story will be a nice break.  Don't expect it from the sequal Galaxy Wars {Title subject to change} because that one is just slightly less than Conquering Love and it's more a filler book.  That's right, I said filler.

So without further adu, I present to you Space Tails :)

Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy reading it,


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