Chapter 6: Kara's Story

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          I turned to look at the pack.  They were all waiting intently to hear the news.  “It’s a riddle,” I informed them.

          “I never like those things,” Clinton replied.

          I nodded, “It’s also Kara’s turn.”

          Kara paled.  “My story’s not going to be like your guys’,” she warned.  Then she began:

Mirror, mirror

On the wall

Who’s the fairest

One of all

It shall be me

The fairest queen of all

Once upon a time

There was a queen

She judged everyone

By their beauty

Everywhere she went

She always judged

What her people wore

If they were regal

They were wed

If they wore rags

They were snagged

And ragged

And were dead

To her at least

One day

The queen did wed

She had her baby

Before the town was fed

The honorable feast

Her baby was ugly

Or so she thought

So her daughter

Was locked away

She couldn’t play

She prayed

And hoped

Her mother would

Like her better

But she never did

The queen ruled

By what she saw

Never by

What’s inside

One day the queen asked

Mirror, mirror

On the wall

Who’s the fairest

One of all

This time she answered

My daughter

I don’t like her better

Than me

She’s not as pretty

Nor as fair

We shall

Cut off her hair

And so it was done

Everyday she asked

Mirror, mirror

On the wall

Who’s the fairest

One of all

And everyday she answered

My daughter

I still don’t like her better

Than me

She shall be woken

At a quarter till three

And so it was done

Her daughter

The servants liked better

They did as the queen said

But they did it with dread

The queen again asked

Mirror, mirror

On the wall

Who’s the fairest

One of all

My daughter

I don’t like her better

Than I

She shall be treated

As if she were nine

And so she was

Each day the queen asked

Each day the daughter masked

Her fear

Her anger

She wanted to hear

The danger

Of the queen’s fall

But never heard the call

One day the queen

Had a change of heart

She wanted her daughter

Who was as thin as a bean

And as tall as a cart

She did like her better

So the queen

Named her successor

And they all lived

Happily ever after

        “You aren’t really like that though,” I informed her.

          She shrugged, “I’ve learnt to hide it.  It’s kind of hard when your mother designs clothing for super skinny people like your older sisters.”

          “Kara, you’re wonderful just the way you are,” she informed her.  “Why would you be superficial like that?”

          “Or jealous,” I added.

          I waited for my phone to ring to let us know who was going next.  I waited for quite awhile until I decided the person wasn’t going to call back.

          “Well, Clinton or Taylor it’s your turn,” I informed them. “And then we’ll all think about the riddle.”

          Taylor turned to Clinton, “You want to go?”

          “Do you?” Clinton asked.

          Taylor shrugged, “I’ll just go.”

          “No, I can go,” Clinton argued.

          Elizabeth spoke up, “Don’t argue, you guys.  Taylor said that he would go before you offered to go.  So, Taylor, go on ahead and say your story.”

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