New school. New people.

14 0 0

Our math teacher Mr.Fernandez takes attendance and then distributes our schedule. Denise and I exchange papers and find out that we have each other for 1st-5th period together.  Our school has block schedule so one day it's 1,3,5,7th period then the next day is 2,4,6,8. We squealed, knowing that we had each other for most of our classes. First period ended and we walked to our 3rd period, AP Art History. We introduced ourselves and I, of course, said I play for the beautiful game, soccer. Denise introduced herself saying, "I'm Denise Rodriguez, I'm 14 years old, and I play the beautiful game with my best friend," looking towards me. I felt glad that she was my best friend and I looked at her with admiration. When the others finished introducing themselves, we did an assignment to draw anything we love or cherish. Art is my other skill and I was glad Denise took AP Art History because it was really hard to convince her, since she hates drawing and art in general.

"I can't believe you were able to convince me to this class with you! You're so lucky you're my best friend."

I simply smiled and said, "you still love me though."

Announcements came on during 3rd period but I wasn't listening to it until I heard "Girls soccer tryouts will be held August 30th in the soccer field..." Denise and I immediately looked at each other and gave each other a look as if we know what each of us were thinking.

She said "Let's tryout!" But I told her no, to joke around and see how she'll react. "What?! Are you?! We are going to tryout! ....... wait you're tricking me to get me mad aren't you?"

I replied "You know me so well and of course we're trying out!"

I heard a voice from behind that said "Look at those freshmen who think they'll be able to make the team" and began to laugh. I quickly turn around and saw a blonde girl with green eyes appearing beautiful but with the most disgusting attitude. She was wearing a crown with Senior '15 in big bold letters, decorated with soccer balls.

Denise turned around and asks me "Is she talking to us?"

The senior answered "Well duh I'm talking to you size 32A (probably the smallest bra size) little girls." I looked at Denise and she looks really mad.

"Um excuse me take your dirty mouth back to where it came from, " Denise told the senior. The senior flipped her straightened hair to the side, rolling her eyes to us. "Who does she think is?" Denise tells me.

"I don't know but I don't like her" I replied. I began to draw a drawing of a soccer ball with several objects in each pentagon. 3rd period ended and Denise and I walked to our 5th period. On our way to class, we saw the most attractive guy ever with really nice calves who also had a Senior crown. "O-M-G!" I tell Denise.

"He is hottest guys I've seen all my life!" We stopped near the fountain to continue staring at the brown hair, green eyed boy who is about 5'7 feet tall. I stare as if I'm in an unreal dream but my fantasy becomes a nightmare when I saw the senior from AP Art History go to him and kisses him. Densie and I looked disappointed to each other and walk to class. "How can that bitch be his girlfriend!?" I turned one last time to look at the couple and the senior is all over the really hot guy but he stops her and kisses her on the cheek and walks away. "Which class is this?" Denise asked.

"French" I replied. Denise and I take our seat and the teacher is acting really weird.

"Oh la la!!" the teacher  says. I looked to see who was in our class. In the very end, I see that guy. I tap Denise quickly and looks at me with her large eyes.

"What what what!" Denise demands.

"Look in the back of the class, near the shelf and tell me who you see?" I ask. Denise looks and turns back to me as if she saw a ghost.

"No way! It's him!" Denise says. The late bell rang and the teacher takes attendance and when she gets to the name Joel Degan, we hear a deep voice come from the back of the room and realize it's that guy.

Soccer and LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang