Chapter 14: A Different Atmosphere

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14. A Different Atmosphere

"You're so lucky, Van-Van." Amber pouted, while I told my story about Barbie using my papa's Bugatti to go on a frivolous shopping spree at the Manhattan Mall yesterday, and I have to go with her which was part of our deal.  "At least you got something to do on a Sunday, I had to spend a day with my stupid older sister Veronica at her penthouse in the Hamptons, bragging about her boyfriend problems yesterday. Daddy says I need to spend more time with siblings, rather than shopping and blowing up my iPhone all day. She's got relationship problems, scary relationship problems."

I miss entering through the corridors while strolling through the courtyard of St. Beatrice with a sweet mist of autumn breeze. And the gold and orange leaves, coming down from the trees and blowing from the wind. It was nice to talk to Amber and Amy again, we've been telling our stories about what we did on a Sunday which was yesterday. Even though the curfew is still in effect. While during lunch break, it's better to have conversations outside rather than in the dining hall.

Going to the Manhattan Mall is like going into a refrigerator since the AC inside the Manhattan Mall is heavily strong, even during the autumn time of year. I've rather be out here in the central park rather than staying inside that icebox called a mall. Even though mama, Marigold, and I went to a catholic church together as a family, every Sunday morning papa would stay behind and continue with his work as a Historian. Mama tried so many times to convince him to go to church just for once, but no avail.

"Well, I went to see the broadway show Hamilton with my mom yesterday." Amy tried to chime into the conversation. 

"That's quite lovely," I commented. "I wish I get to see a Broadway show someday or better yet having a once and a chance lifetime to be on stage as a prima ballerina."

"Unless you grow a bit taller." Nikita Kareinnova Murray, an American born Russian beauty from Queens, New York, but an athletic tomboy, with Icy blond hair in a pixie-cut and blue eyes, who just landed on the cover of Sports Illustrated Teen Magazine, replied "You're just as the same height as my little sister, even with a pretty face like yours, the people on broadway wouldn't pick someone like you that don't fit in with the elites of Broadvelle actors, it's like the double standard, you know."

"Double standards, blow." Lindsay Jones, a mirrored image and reincarnation of Hermione Granger with thick flowing shoulder-length auburn red hair hazel eyes, and a dainty figure replied. "It's the same with the modeling industry, they'll criticize you for the way you look to the way you dress. And basically, they want you to be like the next Bella Hadid or the next Kate Moss."

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