Chapter 3

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Snowdrift's POV

Taking a deep breath she dove at the polar bear. This would be her last chance to catch something before the time ran out. She'd been so close to catching her last prey when she'd dislocated her foreleg, thank goodness that kind dragonet, North, had helped her, otherwise, she might still have been laying there unable to pop her leg back into the socket.

With her talons outstretched she lunged for the polar bear, her talons made contact against the thick pelt as she lifted the polar bear into the air. The polar bear roared in anger and fright, trying to wriggle free, but it was too late, with one quick movement Snowdrift slashed one serrated claw across its throat, killing it instantly.

"Finally!" Snowdrift shouted triumphantly, doing loops in the air.

With great effort, she flew, with a few bumps on the way, back to the training facility with the polar bear in her talons.

With one last heave, she landed lopsided with blood splattering on the ground.

Mistral and Queen Glacier hurried over to see who had returned.

When Mistral saw her and the blood that surrounded her, she lifted her snout into the air, sniffing disapprovingly.

"What a magnificent catch, you're Snowdrift aren't you?" the queen asked.

"Yes-" Snowdrift tried to reply but was cut off when North flew in, followed by Sleet and Snowhare, with a huge walrus carcass.

Suddenly, he dropped out of the air, gasping for breath. Mistral simply glared at him with literally the combined force of the whole Icewing tribe.

"North!" Snowdrift said, delighted to see the huge catch, she'd been hoping for him to catch something large, after all, he had helped her, "That's such a huge walrus!"

"Thanks," North replied, still gasping for air.

A few hours later, the assessments were finally over.

"Nearly all of you have done well, the circle rankings will be changed today at sunset," Queen Glacier announced.


North's POV

"Today, during the assessments for all 4-year-old dragonets, some of the dragonets have done an exceptional job. One of them brought back a polar bear nearly the size of herself, Snowdrift, she will be put in third place, in the first circle."

The queen's voice rang out in the courtyard as North watches Snowdrift's name being scratched near the top of the rankings, in third, by Narwhal, the queen's brother. Snowdrift quickly walks to 3rd spot in the long line of dragonets.

"Secondly, Aurora and Borealis brought back impressive catches as well, they will be put near the top of the first circle as well. Borealis in 5th and Aurora in 6th," the queen continued.

Aurora and Borealis quickly took their new spots in the line while Narwhal scratches their names at the top.

"And lastly, North brought back a huge walrus, but while doing so, he forgot proper Icewing etiquette and resembled a gasping scavenger once he returned to the training facility. Because of that, he will be put one spot lower than he already is," the queen finished.

North's heart sunk as he saw his name being scratched even lower than he was before. He'd tried so hard, but what did he expect? A dragonet from a cursed family would never rise so high in Icewing society.

"Excuse-me your majesty, but may I speak?" a softer voice asked.

"You may," the queen said as she looked at Snowdrift.

"With all due respect, I'd just like to say, North helped me during the assessment, while I was chasing a polar bear, I dislocated my foreleg. I wasn't able to put it back and without hesitation, North helped me. If he hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have caught that polar bear. He was only out of breath because he helped me and ran out of time during his hunt," Snowdrift said, her voice becoming louder every time she started a new sentence.

"If anyone deserves to be in the 1st circle it's North," she continued, "I'd switch spots with him if I can."

"You speak words that have no place in Icewing tradition, every Icewing should be strong, be vigilant, and they should keep to themselves. They should trust no one and hunt alone, that way no dragon can distract you or ruin everything," Mistral snaps at Snowdrift.

"Snowdrift, is what you say true?" Queen Glacier asked, her voice sharp.

Mistral suddenly turns around to face the queen, "Your majesty, you can't actually be listening to this- to this- to this pathetic dragonet. She knows nothing-"

"Let me stop you there Mistral, before you make a fool of yourself. Snowdrift, if what you just said true?" the queen interjected.

"Yes, your majesty, every bit of it," Snowdrift replied with a bow.

"Very well then, Snowdrift, you will remain in your current position, as you have acted calm and polite in a situation that could have cost you your ranking and pride. And North, you will be put at the top of the 2nd circle, for your bravery," Queen Glacier announced, her face as frigid and still as an ice sculpture, but her voice hinting a bit of kindness.

North still couldn't place what just happened and how he felt, happy? Thankful? An emotion that has never been discovered before? He didn't know. He just wanted to run up to Snowdrift and throw his wings around her, North was so grateful that such a kind and thoughtful dragonet like her existed in the cold reality of this world.

Instead of doing what he really wanted to do, he bowed his head and walked to his new spot near the front of the line.

A/N: To the few readers I have on this book, here's the third chapter! Constructive criticism is welcomed, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Word Count: 939 words (not including the author's note, not bad!)

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