Part 1 of 10 | And They Were Business Partners

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The melodies that follow after he ends his song become a blur as you contemplate his choice of music.

You'd heard him mention it being his favourite a long, long time ago, back when the island had only just managed to have an upgraded Resident Services building. It's almost half a year after that you're able to hear him sing, and it leaves you to wonder over what a successful man like him could be troubled with. The both of you were the main people responsible for making the island thrive as much as it had to this day, and every time he seemed to be in a tight spot, he relied on you without fear over making himself appear weak.

So if the island was doing well under his care and he had you around for whenever matters got too complicated for him alone, then what was he feeling down about?

Or was that song simply one he liked for its melody, and nothing more?

Either way, you don't have much time to think about that now with the sound of him calling your name. He gestures for you to follow him off to a less crowded area, farther away from those lining up to sing their heart out for what's left of the night. His directions lead you to the beach, though the chilly air sends you backtracking in your steps, avoiding the water at all costs.

As much as you liked swimming and doing pretty much just a bit of everything around the island, you're not feeling up to it presently. The night's far too cold, and though it doesn't snow on the island, it's clear winter's here. You search your inventory for some warmer clothes, yet you realize you've nothing but your tools and swimsuit with you. All other items had been stored away in order for you to carry all the materials necessary for your next big project.

"I'm afraid I don't have a coat with me, but…" Nook stands right beside you, almost brushing shoulders with you in the process. "We can stay like this for a moment, if you don't mind." He then excuses himself to retrieve something from his pockets, though he stays close to your side while he does that. When he finds what he's looking for, you see it's a song, though unlike Slider's disks, his has no album cover, title, or any of that sort; only your name can be seen scribbled on it at a first glance. "This is for you." He offers it to you and takes his gaze elsewhere once you have the disk in your possession. Nook doesn't say anything else, and -- instead -- waits, though all while simultaneously pretending not to.

When you flip it over, you see it's one of your top three favourite tracks: K.K. Metal, but sung by him.


Not exactly what you expect a guy like him to be capable of singing, yet curiosity helps you imagine him trying to match his voice and attitude with the tone of the song.

You thank him, and -- being the small villager that you are -- stand on your tiptoes and offer him a kiss on the cheek. 

He takes a few steps back and keeps his hand pressed against the spot you've kissed. Pink spots his cheeks, but it's not quite like that embarrassed reaction you were given when you just discovered how to display emotions. Rather, he seems to have transcended beyond the realms of the game's possibilities enough for a new emotion to be unlocked, and so you mimic the expression out of pure custom -- therefore creating a glitch, as you already have all reactions unlocked. 

It's like… imagine a hamster when it hears something: ears perked, wide eyes, standing on two legs and all that -- but blushing, as well.

That's the emotion he's displaying to you right now.

"...Are you okay?" you ask, oblivious as always. "Do you… Do you need me to call a doctor?"

It takes him a minute, but he manages to snap out of it.

"It's quite alright," he says, shaking his head. "But… May I, by any chance, reciprocate your kiss?"

Though his word choice is awkward and odd, you smile and nod, replying with, "Sure -- Now, c'mere!"

You tug him by his Hawaiian shirt's collar, stand on your tiptoes again, and bring him closer, allowing him to kiss you back, something proven to be difficult for how long his snout is. Still, he persists and presses a quick kiss to your cheek, though it goes a similar way as to when people wearing glasses try to do the same thing; it's like that for him, though it's his snout what blocks him from doing it properly, rather than a pair of glasses. It's an endearing act from his part nonetheless, prompting you to bring him closer for a hug.

"Happy one-year anniversary," you say, words murmured. "I'm glad to have met you." A pause follows, though you soon continue with, "It's not everyday people get to have landlords like you -- with no rent payment deadlines, and no threats of being kicked out whatsoever, y'know?"

Nook chuckles. "Happy one-year anniversary." He then takes a breath. "You say that, and yet you've paid every single debt so far."

"What can I say?" You grin. "We make great business partners, don't we?"

He seems disappointed, though you don't think much of it. "...Yes." A sigh leaves him, though it's barely audible and could just as easily be confused with the soft, nightly winds of the beach. "Truly so."

Wanting to cheer him up, you sit down on the sand and extend your hand out to him, pulling him to sit next to you once he takes your hand in his.

"What's troubling you, Tom?" you ask, frowning. "You know I'm here for you."

His eyes squint into a smile, yet the words that follow contrast with it. "I'm afraid this isn't something you can help me with, (Y/N)." He looks away for a split second, distracted by a moth fluttering next to a lamp. "But even so, thank you for your concern," he adds, squeezing your hand tight.

You squeeze it back and return his smile. "Anytime, friend."

The Bebop Blues - [Animal Crossing | Tom Nook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now