Part 3 of 10 | I Thought You Were Bae

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Was he that out of touch when it came to dealing with his feelings, beyond those of business, acquaintanceship, and friendship?


Having the human around doesn't help much with lessening that feeling, though he can't complain with how happy their presence makes him, breaking the monotony of each day, and helping him manage with his past without letting it consume him as badly as it once did.

"Hey, Tom!" they call out, heard loud and clear despite them being nowhere around.

His ears perk as he tries to follow the sound of their voice; he can hear a soft rustling noise from the orchard nearby, so it doesn't take long before he finds them.

Of course, it's by them bursting out of the cherry tree next to him, legs hanging onto a branch while their face lays upside down. They grin when he stays frozen from shock, though they soon show concern and approach him with a hand over his shoulder when he fails to snap out of it. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you that badly!" They stay upside down even as they say that apology, and -- more than the scare itself -- he worries that them staying that way for too long could result in blood rushing to their head. "Anyway," they add, smiling. They pull their hand back and reach for their pocket to retrieve something from it. "I didn't climb up here without a reason." The human offers him a tiny, black box and a brighter smile when he meets with their eyes. "I saw this at the top of the tree. Do you know who it could belong to?"

Tom takes the box and helps them back to firm ground before opening it.

"Let me see..." His voice trails off as he stares at the contents inside. "This is..." His hands tense against the item and he feels sweat run down his forehead, yet he tries his best not to let any of that show. Inside rests a single, silver ring -- like an engagement one of sorts: simple, but elegant.

Had they truly climbed up a tree to retrieve such a specific item?

Or had they placed it there on purpose?

And if the answer to that last question was yes, then...

He shakes his head and lets out a sigh.

It's ridiculous to even consider that a possibility.

That is, until he looks back to them and sees they're offering out a hand to him. Said hand displays a finger with a similar ring on it, the only difference between the two being theirs is bronze instead of silver.

His heart skips and his eyes grow wide, permanent tiredness disappearing from his gaze as he stares at the human, at a loss for words.

"Will you," they begin, bringing their hand out closer to him, " my best friend?"

His tomfoolery ends and he receives a reality check like a sharp slap to the face.

Obviously, both he and them would be skipping plenty of steps if they'd really meant to propose to him.

But why would they choose such an odd manner to confirm the strength of their friendship with him?

It makes little sense, and it stays that way until he finally snaps out of it and gets a better look at the ring in the box. The word 'BESTIES' is engraved in the silver coating, along with two small yet detailed drawings of him and (Y/N) holding hands -- clearly almost about to kiss despite the all-caps term accompanying the scenario. If they'd commissioned an artist for the piece, then the person either misinterpreted what they wanted, or the human still waiting next to him was about as slow as he once was to realize his true feelings about Redd all those years ago.

That two-faced man meant nothing to him now though, and -- in comparison -- his feelings towards (Y/N) are about twice as strong as when he and Redd were a thing.

Knowing he shouldn't make them wait any longer, Tom brushes those thoughts aside, meets with their eyes, and takes in a sharp breath before replying with a solid 'yes'. A smile arrives to his face almost on instinct, and he finds it near impossible not to display that happiness in his posture, as well. Regardless of how (Y/N) felt about him and their lack of awareness -- be it intentional or not -- over what they meant to him, they still had their charm and ways. "...Though I believe we are already best friends, are we not?" he asks, tone hushed as he tries not to make a fool of himself any further. "This only solidifies that, if so."

The human beams at him and hugs him tight before he can even say anything in response. Tom hugs them back, but he soon tenses when he grows aware of how different they feel compared to the last time he hugged them. Their body's frail to the touch -- as if they're about to burst into nothing, like a dandelion in the wind. Fatigue shows through how shaky their breaths are, and when they let go, he sees colour drained from their cheeks and their eyes lacking their usual light.

"(Y- (Y/N)," he stutters, unsure how to approach the topic. "You-"

They lose balance and end up grabbing him again, this time for support rather than as an expression of gratitude or affection. Their body lays faint against him, and it grows heavy when their breathing becomes slower and scarcer. His eyes fall on a particular aspect of their legs, revealing multiple sting marks from what could be none other than a scorpion or ten. How red they look shows they're recent.

"I..." They shudder as they take in a breath. "I- I think something's wrong. Ever since I've been spending more time with you beyond our island work at the Resident Services building... I've been glitching nonstop. J- Just last night, I was running from a scorpion, when I suddenly, in- involuntarily stopped and... And ended up receiving multiple stings from it."

Tom's eyes turn wet despite not quite understanding what those words imply. "What does this me-" he stops himself mid-sentence, realizing it's not the best time for him to be asking about that. "Shall I carry you to my office?"

(Y/N) nods, albeit weakly. "Yes, please." They manage another smile before closing their eyes again and letting him carry them off to a safer place. "...Thank you, Tom." That's the last thing they say as they blank out, leaving him to rush off back to his office.

He first locks their arms around his neck and holds them by the waist second, third and final being him gathering strength to lift them up. Now in his arms, he's able to walk off -- slowly but surely. Nearby villagers notice the scene and help out, some by offering medicine -- like Twiggy and Stitches -- while two others pretty much offer themselves to aid with the lifting.

"We can carry them," Rocket says while Teddy nods, gaze knit as the gravity of the situation dawns on her. "Go ahead and get things ready! We'll be there in a flash."

Tom nods back and does as told, rushing off as soon as both villagers have a good grip on (Y/N).

A glitch -- whatever that implied -- would be something he would face head-on if it meant his friend would be safe and sound.

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