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TW: use of the word "faggot" (never ever would say it irl or to anyone, only use of story's.), mental/physical abuse from family.

Teddys prov

Vern and I had been at my house, he was gonna stay over too.

We hadn't done anything besides a little peck on the lips every once in awhile, it would take some getting use to. Especially for me.

I had only learn yesterday that I had a crush on him and now we started dating on the same day I found out.

At least I think we're dating. If not then I guess we're just "Friends With Benefits". I hate that movie.

I couldn't sleep that night, I just kept staring at Vern as he slept beside me. I wasn't smiling but I was blank.

Verns eyes fluttered and he groaned softly "Teddy?.. You still up?" he rubbed his eyes.

"Ya, a little."

"You need to get some sleep," he made a soft smile with lazy eyes.

"I can't," I sighed, feeling like I was letting Vern down in some stupid way taht didn't even more sense to me, yet I felt guilt.


"I don't know.. Maybe I'm just uncomfortable or somethin.."

Vern turned the other way and backed up towards me, he then grabbed my arms and rapped them around him "Better?"

"Much." I smiled and laid my chin on his head.

I fell asleep about a few minutes later. It was a better sleep like that...

Gordies prov (🎵 For the first time in foorreevverrr 🎵)

I was in the tree house with the guys. We were playing cards, of course.

Something was different though.. Teddy wasn't teasing Vern as much today. Maybe it's nothing but it's something I noticed, I over analyze.

Suddenly Chris elbowed me "Gordie, you gonna take your turn or what?"

"Oh ya, sorry!" I picked up a card.

"Gordie, we're playin go fish, not poker!" Chris snickered "Vern wanted to play it."

"Your really off your game today, huh, Lachance?" Teddy giggled.

I'd say the same about you.. I thought.

"Hey, what time is it?" Vern asked, still looking to his cards contently.

"Iiittss" I checked my watch "6:00, why?"

"I have to be home for dinner at 7:00 but I think I'm just gonna leave now.." he says lightly, almost disappointed but guilty.

"Ok, see ya tomorrow!" I said, giving him a smile to let him know it was cool. Not like anyone was forcing him to say anyhow.

"I think I'll go too, it's Saturday, wanna see my dad at least once this week!" Teddy said getting up in a crab position, groaning once he sat up from his lazy position.

I opened the door "Kk, see you guys!"

"Bye." Vern said getting down first.

"See ya!" Teddy waved at he started his way going down the latter next.

"Byyee!" Chris snickered.

I closed the door "You think Teddys actin weird today?"

"You mean the way he wasn't teasing Vern as much?" Chris starts to pick up the card for him deck with a smoke stuck out of his mouth.

I think your a cutie pie (Teddy x Vern/Stand By Me/Chris, Gordie also in story)Where stories live. Discover now