Chapter 8 : School

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I am wearing a long sleeved pink dress
( imagine light pink with a brown belt), tan leggings , and brown boots. I painted my nails a light pink and one a tan to match my outfit . I got everything for school.

At breakfast I ate pancakes and lions blood .

"Hey mom have you packed my lunch yet ?" I asked my momma .

" Yes I have here you go sweetheart."Momma replied

" Here sweetheart can you please take this to your sister ." Momma asked

" Sure momma." I replied

I went up stairs where I knew she was at . "Nessie here is your lunch."
"Thanks Ellie"

After that I had a hour to spend before I had to go to school . I watched some tv and double checked everything .

One hour later

We are now in the car our parents are making rules and telling us to be careful .Which we heard last night at the family meeting. I know they are just telling us to protect ourselves and love us very much .

Soon we are saying goodbyes and them telling us the would pick us up at 3:00 .
We walked in and to a room that said office .There was a nice and young lady I would say in her twenties . Her name is Ms.Parks . She is very pretty .
" Can we please have are schedule, locker combination , and maps please ?I asked nicely."

"Sure here you go Ms. Elizabeth Cullen and Ms.Renesemee Cullen she said .

" Thank you Ms. Parks we both replied .

" Your welcome girls and call me Brooklyn please ."

" Okay Brooklyn" we both replied

She smiled and said now that's much better .

" Have a nice day girls ." Brooklyn said

We both replied with you too .

After we left we got our lockers and learned the combinations which was really easy . Looked at both of are maps and mesmerized the whole school which took one minute and 30 seconds . I checked my schedule and had

1 social studies Ms.Fowler
1 hour per class
10 minute break before class only first class though .

2 social studies Ms Green

3 English/ Reading Ms.Fowler

4 science Ms.Green

5 lunch 45 minutes

Recess break 15 - 20 minutes

6 free period - 30 minutes then math

7 activity today Art
Then go home

I went to my class and since I was 10-15 early the teacher let me know what we are doing.I told her I knew and she did believe me . I told her my full name and some things about my family and I ( not that we are vampires well me and ness are half but still and no werewolf either ) just simple stuff I could tell anyone . She told me a lot about her and how and why she wanted to be a teacher . She really likes kids and wanted to be in some of their life's .
Then the bell rang which I knew it would .

A full class came coming in . I was in the third row and she wanted me to tell the class about me . I told them my name is Elizabeth Alice Lillian Cullen and I like light pink and purple . I like to play games , video games usually like COD with Emmet and Jasper . I like/can play piano and guitar and I like to read anything .

Really anything I can get my hands on . I also like to play pranks but not really to anger you though . After that I went back to my seat that I picked for the day . The rest of the class told me about themselves . One specially stood out her name was Kira Sparrow She was very pretty almost as a vampire but she was human . She had the same pulse and heartbeat as a human . Sadly ..

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