Chapter 2 : The Sickness

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A week 1/2 later

I woke up . That was the best week of my life  but I haven't felt real good . I got up got ready and saw Edward was not here I looked at the fridge and there was a note .

Dear My Bella Cullen
I'll be back went to get groceries !

Love Edward

I then got hungry and cooked me some eggs and chicken . I ate that then 10 minutes later a had this urge to throw up . So I went to the bathroom and threw up then Edward came in and got me some meds.

30 min

We think that I am pregnant . Edward wants to kill it but I want to keep it rose agrees with me too .

We then packed and got in the plane . I got my music and listened the ride home .

When we got home Carlisle did some tests .

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