Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Percy's POV

When I woke up, I found an unfamiliar ceiling above me, Wait, is this the throne room. I tried to rub my eyes, but my hands were shackled. What's going on?!

"Perseus Jackson, there is extensive evidence proving you were conspiring with Kronos AND Gaea during both wars. Also, there have been multiple witnesses adding to your already serious charges. Athena, please read them off."

"Yes father, the charges are, High Treason against the gods, treason against the campers, multiple charges of property damage, and nearly every camper is a witness for camper abuse."

"Now, How do you plead?" Zeus said.

"Innocent, I haven't done any of these things"

"TOO BAD, YOU ARE GUILTY! I sentence you to an eternity in Tartarus, furthermore, you shall take a portion of every single fatal flaw in existence." *que gavel*

Noone's POV

All the Olympians stand up from their thrones and proceed to raise their hands and blast beams of energy at Percy. The force of the beams lifted him up, off of his feet.

Meanwhile at Camp HalfBlood(Both camps were there)

People were milling about, minding their businesses, when all of a sudden, beams came out of everyone's chests, and converged, going towards the direction of Olympus.

Back to Olympus

Then multicolored beams of light burst through the throne room doors and slammed into Percy, causing him to float a few more feet off the floor... An ear splitting scream pierced the ears of, not only the gods, but the demigods whose fatal flaws were removed. Percy was starting to glow, not like flashing, but something sinister and started to converge in on himself. The light started glowing even brighter and imploded in on itself revealing, not Percy, but a red skinned, horned, monster representing the flaws of ALL people with godly blood. This being radiated power, fear, and evil. This was no mere demon, no,

. . . I t w a s t h e D E V I L h i m s e l f . . .

The gods quickly opened a huge crack in the floor of the throne room, that threw chains out, pulling him into the crevices of the greek hell.

Percy's POV

why Why WHY could this happen to ME, what did I do wrong, why would they do this to me. MY FREAKING FATAL FLAW IS LOYALTY GODDAMMIT!!! How did this happen...

Flashback Time

I was on patrol duty when I heard a scream, it was a new demigod being chased by, Is that a BABY Hellhound. I walked towards him as he tripped and fell then kicked away the hellhound. Then, he pushed me down and tried to take Riptide from me, and a few campers gathered around to see what commotion was about. When they came in and saw him cowering from the hellhound when it came back, they fell on their butts, laughing. By the time I got up and stabbed the hellhound, he was seething, which was even funnier because his face was completely purple.

"Hey you stole my kill!"

"Sure kiddo, but we need to get you to camp, how old are you?"

"15" He said proudly.

"What, but the gods swore. Anyways, come on let's get you inside the border and get you claimed." When we stepped into camp a holographic image of a lightning boat floated atop his head. Chiron walked up.

"All hail-what is your name-Fig Johnson, son of Poseidon, God of the Seas, King of Atlantis, Earthshaker, and Stormbringer." Chiron proclaimed to all those watching.

"Hey why are you not bowing, my dad is the Poseidon."

Clarisse stepped up and said, "Please, we all saw you scream and run away from a baby hellhound, you don't deserve to be bowed to."

"I'd like to see you try to beat it."

"Everyone here can beat it, except you punk."

"WHAT!" Needless to say, he blacked out after the first punch, didn't even try to dodge.

~~Line Break~~

The months after Figgy (that's his full name), or Piggy is what we all call him, came to camp were horrible. Slowly, all the new campers turned against me, glaring at me every time I walked near them. Then, it was the cabins. One day, Katie came up to me yelling something about trashing her garden and slapped me, then slammed my own door in my face. Another time, I went to the Hermes Cabin to help the Stolls with some pranks, they cut me off saying I ruined the prank they were planning for months. One by one, all my friends left me, except for my Wisegirl, I knew she wouldn't betray me, right? The next week I went to Dr. Chase to ask for his blessing to marry his daughter, he gave me his blessing, and I headed to the closest body of water to go to Atlantis. I went straight to the forges and asked Tyson to make a ring for Annabeth. He was very excited and got to work right away. Once it was finished, it was a seagreen and grey ring with a beautiful pearl in its center. On the inside ring was,

Seaweed Brain and Wisegirl

Together Forever.

I immediately swam towards camp and arrived in less than five minutes. I went to the Athena Cabin and knocked quickly. Malcolm opened the door and immediately tried to slam the door in my face but I held it open,

"Do you know where Annabeth is?" I asked. He smirked,

"She's at the beach." Then, he slammed the door in my face. I ran to the beach in search of her, I was so excited to propose and be together with her for the rest of my life. I was on my way to our secret spot near the beach, when I heard moaning that sounded suspiciously familiar. I headed closer to the sound. My face darkened.

"How long."



"Three months." The pig said, smugly.


~~Flashback End~~

So that's how I got here, falling forever into Tartarus. I sighed as tears fell from my eyes, and then I blacked out.

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