Chapter 3:

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                                                                                       Percy's POV

I woke up in a dark cavern, Well this must be Tartar sauce, it stinks down here. I quickly searched my pockets and found that I no longer had riptide. Where is Riptide, where is my S-WORD. Did that old sea god really disown me, his favorite son, for a stuck-up idiot that hasn't down anything worthwhile in his entire LIFE!!! They must really think I betrayed them. Well that SUCKS for them. I just have to work with what I have and destroy them, brick by brick, god by god, I will fade them ALL. Now, to get out of this cave.

I wandered around for a little bit when I found a weird shining glow coming from a rock in the wall. I felt drawn toward it so I got closer. The glow was even brighter now, and my mind was screaming at me to run away, but everything else in my body was screaming to grab it. I pulled it out of the wall and it stopped glowing. It was a bright red gem that seemed to be sucking the light out of everything around it. It looked very nice in my toned, red hand... WAIT RED, since when was I RED. I quickly searched for something to see my reflection in, I felt a familiar, but somewhat painful, tug in my gut and found that I could summon water from the air, Well that's still there I guess, I looked into the water mirror and saw a devil like being before me, I had blood red skin, cool looking horns, more masculine body, an older and more hardened face, and I was wearing a loincloth. I wonder what's under there... -HOLY HADES THAT IS HUGE- I mean- WHY IS EVERYTHING RED!!! Nevermind this stuff, I have to figure out what this stone does. And then it floated into my chest and I absorbed it. I waited a few seconds to figure out how the heck a rock floated into my chest, and then I felt immense pain, like seriously, and I thought the Styx hurt-


The pain was excruciating, everytime I felt like I was going to pass out, the pain kept me awake. After what felt like hours, the pain finally stopped, I looked into the mirror and found that I looked human, but different. I had midnight black hair, emerald green eyes with small feline slits for pupils, pale skin, and a rugged school uniform. Dang, I look badass. The biggest difference in this form were the devil wings I had, they weren't like the bat wings Ms. Dodds had, no they were like black skeletons, but were soft and felt powerful. Wow devil form, cat eyes, pale skin, RED skin, AND devil wings. I might just be Lucifer. I thought and I chuckled to myself. Woah, did my voice change, I sounds nice I guess, and it fits my new form. You know what I actually might be Lucifer.

Yes, yes you are.

Hold Up. Since when did I have a voice in my head.

Since when you absorbed my essence.

Wait was it that glowing rock thingy.

Yes. I am Lucifer, or what's left of him. I am part of his soul, during the holy war, god's angels overpowered my demons and ended up destroying most of my demon pillars. I was able to harm G-d with my demon weapon before he destroyed me. I had a fallback plan, and it was to put a large piece of my soul, around half, somewhere in the world, and I guess it ended up in one of the old pantheons.

Wait, ONE of the old pantheons, there are more!

You know what, I'll just transfer the memories to you. I'm about to merge my soul with yours, so you'll pass out for a few days and have a few of my powers. You can only unlock all of my powers by rising through the demon rankings.

Oh ok then. Hit me up.

Sleepy time.

                                     ~~U thought it was a Line Break, but it was ME DIO~~

I woke up from my small nap and I realized that I had almost all of Lucifer's memories. I decided to try and process the info. So the demon ranks go from Learner, to Beginner, to Intermediate, to Master, to Grandmaster, to Lord, to King, and finally the Lucifer rank, only given to Lucifer and those who inherit his title. Within each rank is ten levels, in order to rise to the next rank, you have to be level ten in your current rank. Average demigods are around the Beginner Rank in terms of power, but due to my new found devil powers and my ??? powers (AN: question marks are there because he hasn't found out about the power, but the soul has, Percy cannot access it because he has to figure it out first.) I am at the Master Rank: Level 3. Next, the demon weapons. Every demon has one and only the owner can use them because the weapons are literally the embodiment of their soul. I have two because I have Lucifer's soul and my own soul. Demon weapons also rank up as you rank up, but they don't have levels. My weapons are both at Master Rank right now. I'm pretty sure Lucifer's is his crown, but since he merged with me it should be different. I focused on giving Lucifer's soul a form and his essence flowed outwards from my palms and took the form of dual swords that were made out of a beautiful black metal with intricate firs designs on the hilts and crossguards. That is beautiful, I wonder what my soul will look like. It will be more powerful since I was always meant to wield it, but it will also be more difficult to create since I don't know how to separate my soul. Well, It's all or nothing. I poured all of my power into creating a weapon, the embodiment of my soul, my partner, my friend, my weapon. I tried to push out my soul, but when I got close to forming the weapon, I felt pain, pain worse than the Styx. I immediately recoiled. Then I realized, I have to let it come naturally, slowly I just let my soul flow, then guided it outwards. It took a while, but my essence finally took shape, into that of a scythe. It had a black staff with glowing red designs near the blade. The blade itself was a holographic glowing red, but I could feel the power radiating off of it. I was very tired, so I decided to take a quick nap to regain energy, and find a way out of the cave later.

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