Left alone - Technoblade, Michael, Ranboo, Tubbo

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I don't edit these.

Warnings: Slight child neglect

It was a cold day in the snow biome but then again it was always cold. Phil was in the basement playing with his trains and Techno wasn't going to disturb him. Ranboo had left about ten minutes ago and Tubbo left 20 minutes ago, as long as Tubbo stayed away from him and didn't pull anything he was allowed to be around. Techno grabbed his crown and went around his property filling in Creeper holes. He heard a loud crying noise coming from Ranboo's house. Michael had just woken up from a nap and he was alone. Techno went to investigate, he didn't grab a weapon because he could scare just about anyone away with a look. He walked into Ranboo's house.

"Ranboo-." He was caught off by a small Zombie Piglin child clinging into his leg crying. He picked them up and let them cuddle into his shoulder, effectively calming him down.

"What's your name?" Techno asked the Zombie Piglin looked up at him confused. Techno repeated himself but this time he spoke in Piglish. Michael told him his name happily.

Techno took Michael to his house using his cloak to shield the young child from the harsh winds and cold air. He brought Michael inside and introduced him to Steve. When the weather got warmer and it wasn't so windy Techno brought Michael to meet the Hound Army. He watched as Michael played games with all the dogs as he tried to swarm each one of them with the same love and affection as the last. The dogs enjoyed licking his face and playfully knocking him over earning lots of laughs. After two hours and no sign of Ranboo or Tubbo he brought the Piglin inside feeding him golden carrots just because he can.

Techno played hide and seek with Michael, making sure he was visible but still a little hard to find, he didn't want the small child to get upset. They chased each other around the woods, Michael giggling and laughing the whole time.

Michael was clearly having the best time of his life, he followed Technoblade around as Techno explained different plants and animals. Michael had never been able to leave his house before, mostly because he would run away. He was confined to one room only, though it was nice and a lot of thought went into it, it would never beat the real world. It was midday and then had done so much, Michael and Techno were quite tired and Michael was ready for a nap. So after reading a few stories under a tree in the woods (in which Techno translated the words for him) they headed back to Techno's house. He let Micheal ring the membership bell a few times before putting him into bed. He went down stairs and set up a couch for himself to sleep on.

He was just closing his eyes when he felt two small hands grab his crown, Michael fell asleep on Techno's chest, crown still loosely gripped in his hands. Techno smiled wrapping an arm around Micheal as they slept peacefully. Techno was woken by a fast knock on the door. He carefully placed Michael down, he went to grab his crown but couldn't take it from the child's hands. He opened the door to find a panicked Ranboo. He saw Tubbo searching around in the background.

"Have you by any chance seen a small Zombie Piglin around here?" Ranboo said quickly. Tubbo ran up next to Ranboo.

"Please Technoblade I know we don't get along but he's our son and he's gone missing!" Tubbo pleaded.

"You mean Michael right?" Techno questioned.

"Yes... wait how did you know that?" Tubbo asked. Techno opened his door allowing the pair to see Michael curled up on the makeshift couch holding Techno's crown.

"What did you do to him?!" Tubbo asked frantically trying to get into Techno's house, his path was quickly cut off by Technos boot.

"Don't you dare try to insult me on my property. I found him alone and crying, we sent the day outside playing games and reading books. You should be thankful." Techno glared at Tubbo.

"You- You took him outside?" Ranboo asked. He wasn't being pushy just wanted to know the answer. He and Techno were friends but the guys scared the crap out of him and he knows that fear is rightfully there.

"Yes he's a very obedient child though he only knows Piglish." Techno explained.

"You can talk to him?" Tubbo asked.


"We've been trying to talk to him for a long time." Tubbo explains. Just then Michael walks up to Techno pulling on his cloak.

"What is it bud." Techno says bending down, Michael yawns rubbing his eyes. He then made grabby hands and Techno happily picked him up.

"Mmm tired." He said in Piglish.

"I think you should take him home, if you like I could teach him English? Just so you can talk to him without feeling so restrictive." Techno suggested, handing the child to Tubbo.

"We'll think about it, thanks Techno." Ranboo said as the family walked away.

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