Runaway Michael - Technoblade, Phil, Michael

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I want to do one where Techno teaches Michael stuff.

Tw: Kiddnapping, child neglect, malnutrition

Michael's POV

I ran through the forest as quickly as I could, I knew they would be onto me soon. I was running from my 'parents' ; they were nothing but strangers to me though. They locked me up in my room and left me for days. I never got to see the outside not after they trapped me. The room brought no comfort to me whatsoever. They fed me cake but that only made me sick, I needed good nutritional food not cake. I was tiring quickly as I ran but I wasn't giving up, if they caught me they would just lock me up worse. I don't know why they even kidnapped me in the first place. They seemed too young for a child. I shouldn't have left my home, I don't think I'll ever get to shelter or even survive at this rate. The cold dark night turned into a snowy one, my hooves were tired and I couldn't go much further. I saw a figure walking through the forest so I ran to them quickly and hoped it wasn't someone who would rat me out. I grabbed their leg as I felt them lift me up, the last thing I saw before my eyes gave out was a pig ear so I let go drifting off on their shoulder as they cradled me.

I woke up and I was not in my room. Instead I was in a cozy house, I could hear a fire and dogs barking. I was in a bed slipped under the covers, on top of those covers was a large and heavy cloak. I carefully got out of bed and poked my head downstairs where I saw what looked to be a Piglin. I then carefully moved down the ladder making sure to slot my hooves into each rung. Once I was downstairs the figure turned to me giving me a smile. I walked towards him hearing my hooves click against the floors.

"Hello, you must be Michael. I believe you're Tubbo and Ranboo's son, yes?" The man said. I felt my ears drop, he was going to rat me out.

"I can see you don't want to go back so I won't make you. I'm Technoblade and if you see a man in green with blonde hair that's Phil, he's very kind so don't hesitate to ask for help. Ranboo does live around here though he doesn't come by as often but be careful if you want to avoid him. Lastly I've got some golden carrots I can give you, unless you prefer something else then let me know and I'll get it for you. You're welcome to stay here for as long or as little as you like." He wasn't going to rat me out? He even gave me tips to avoid Ranboo when he does show up. I think I'll stay around here at least for a little bit.

"I think I'll stay here for a while and can I have some golden carrots?" He gave me a smile and gave me five golden carrots.

1 week later.

Technoblade had informed me that I was going to meet Phil today and I was nervous. Techno has said nothing but nice things about him but I still worry. We stood by the door as he knocked politely.

"Hello Techno, and who's this?" He said bending down looking me right in my working eye.

"This is Michael, he's hiding from Tubbo and Ranboo so don't tell them he's here." Techno explained, Phil smiled patting me on the head before standing up.

"Alright I won't tell anyone you have my word, if you need anything Michael don't be afraid to ask. Alright?" I nodded as he walked away.

Beach Day

I've been living with Techno and Phil for the last 2 months and today we're going to take our first road trip! Techno said we're going to the beach, I've never been to the beach but the way he described it made it sound like a lot of fun. Phil and him were going over a list of things we would need for the small day trip.

"Come on Michael! It's time to go!" Phil called out to me, loading the horse with materials, I quickly sprinted away from the window where I was watching them pack and down the ladder, I jumped the last three rungs of the ladder and made it outside.

"Here put your coat on, we're still in the snowy biome mate." Phil said, helping me slip on my coat, buttoning it up for me.

"Alright, you'll be ridin' on Carl bud." Techno said leading me around to Carl's side. He lifted me up onto the horse and grabbed the reins.

"All you have to do is hold onto the saddle, I'll lead him okay?" Techno said, I gave him a nod and we started off into the woods. I fell asleep on the ride. I was awoken by Phil picking me up off of Carl. I snuggle into his shoulder yawning as I did so.

"Come on Michael you're going to get too hot in your jacket." I yawned but let him take off my jacket revealing my bathing suit underneath. After a few minutes I had completely woken up from my nap. Phil and Techno already set up a beach blanket and chairs. Techno handed me a small shovel and I dug in the sand for a bit. I tried making a castle but it wasn't holding together.

"Here, add some water to make the sand stick together." Techno said, he brought me a big bucket of water from the ocean. He mixed the sand and made a small building.

3rd person POV

"Yay! Look it worked!" Michael cheered, clapping his hands together.

"Yes it did mate." Phil said smiling.

"Will you guys help me build a village?" Michael said, grabbing more buckets from the bag.

"Of course." Techno said as Phil joined him on the sandy ground.

"I'm gonna make a school and and a hospital so no one will be sick! Can you and Phil make houses?!" The pair nodded as Michael excitedly started making a school building. Small giggles were shared between the group as they tried to make a good sand to water ratio.

"I never learned to read." Michael brings up after adding small indents to look like windows to the school building.

"You didn't?" Phil asked, putting down his shovel.

"No, no ever bothered to teach me." Michael says looking up at the pair with his one working eye.

"I could teach you sometime." Techno says shrugging it off like it was nothing as he continued to construct his sand house. Michael looked up at him with tears as he ran over to Techno giving him a big hug. Phil laughed as Techno tried his best to reciprocate the hug.

"That would be awesome!" The group made their village taking occasional breaks to cool off in the ocean. Splashing about and enjoying the sun. It was sunset when they finally packed up.

"What should we do with the village?" Phil asked Michael.

"Destroy it! Rah!" Michael said stomping on the houses and kicking the sand. Once he had considered the land as stomped out as possible he ran over to Carl.

"Okay I'm ready to go now." The group walked half way home before slipping on warmer clothes for the remainder of the trip. The group made their way home. Phil unloaded the supplies as Techno carried a sleeping Michael into the house then tucked him into bed. He then went down and helped Phil.

"He's really grown on you Techno." Phil said.

"Yeah, I hope it doesn't come to bite me later on." Techno said leading Carl to his stable. Phil went into his own connected house while Techno made up a bed on one of the lower levels.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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