Comfort - Ranboo, Phil and Technoblade

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Warnings: Wilburs death, voices mentions

He could be a pig in this or not up to you.

Technoblade is rightfully feared, he's a strong capable warrior and his knowledge on potions goes beyond what many would take the time to learn. One thing most people didn't know or something he wouldn't want brought up is his comforting kindhearted ways. He was a very loyal man and that meant being there for his friends when they needed help. The first time he every showed this side with anyone was Phil after he had come back from killing Wilbur.

Phil POV

I did it, he's gone. My son lays here in my arms dead. Why did you make me do this Wil, why did you do this at all? Here I am sitting on the cold floor looking out at what once was a loving city of freedom and resilience was now mostly ashes and dust. It was long after the fight now but I still held my son deep into the night. Everyone had gone home but I couldn't just let him go. Finally I found the strength to put down his blood covered corpse and walk solemnly into the world. I didn't have a place to go so I stayed wandering. It was getting colder as peaceful nighttime turned into a snowy one, a small house lay in the distance, I was desperate, I was lost and I needed someone to talk to. I hoped this person was home and friendly but with my luck they wouldn't be. Still I made my way up to the door and gave two solemn knocks. The door opened.

"Phil, oh Phil are you alright?" To my happiness it was Technoblade, Techno and I went way back. He's the person I trusted more than anyone else alive on the server. I shook my head as I felt tears going down my face.

"Phil c'mere." he brought me into a hug as I cried into his chest. He's the best friend one could ask for.

"Phil come on inside I don't want you getting to cold." He brought me over some tea as I sat down on the couch. I let my wings droop down which is not something I do often but I trust Techno so I let them droop. It wasn't like I could fly, my wings were badly damaged when I covered Wilbur from the explosions.

"It's all my fault Techno. If I had been there from the start maybe he would still be here." I put my head in my hands while Techno listened respectfully.

"I shouldn't have killed him. He was my son and now he's gone."

"Phil it wasn't your fault, you didn't know about the war and you didn't know Wilbur was struggling. You aren't to blame for Wilbur's mental health. You shouldn't hold yourself accountable for his death. Wilbur snapped and everyone ignored the signs that showed him slowly edging closer to insanity. Phil you're a great father and a wonderful friend. You bring a lot of joy to those you interact with." Techno told me. I knew he was being genuine.

"You really think so mate?" I asked him looking up.

"I do, and if anyone disagrees I'll kill em." He says taking a long sip of tea. I let out a laugh as I took a sip from my own tea.

"You're welcome to stay here for as long as you like Phil." Techno said, I never had any intentions of betraying Techno in the first place because I'm a man of my word. But now I know would follow Techno and help him with his endeavors until the end of time.

Ranboo's POV

All I could hear was his voice over and over again. He just wouldn't leave me alone! I started to feel myself breaking down at the words he was saying and the worst part is I couldn't deny them because I didn't know if they were true or not. I hear loud footsteps coming to me, did Dream finally escape? I'm going to die, I'm going to die. That's when I felt a heavy soft fabric wrap around my shoulders and Dream's voice stopped. I opened my eyes to see Technoblade keeling in front of me, it occurred to me that I was wearing his cape. He rubbed my head fondly and sat down next to my curled up body. My crown was across the room thrown there in my panic. It seemed he was waiting for me to make a move, so I inched closer to him hesitantly laying my head on his shoulder. He was a scary presence always but this time it felt more comforting than worrying or scary. The voice didn't come back, maybe it was scared of Techno. If it was scared of Techno does that mean Dream is? He broke my thought process with the most comforting thing anyone has ever said to me.

"Voices suck don't they? I've got em too, very loud and violent, though they aren't very sensible most of the time. The violence comes in waves and judging from what I know about you, you hear the voice often but not all the time." He just assured me I wasn't the only one who heard voices.

"It's alright, at the end of the day the voices are just parts of yourself trying to nitpick insecuries." He was right, it wasn't Dream in my head, it was a part of myself pointing out my biggest flaw from someone I feared. My biggest insecurity, my memory.

"Well you've got Phil and I now so there's no need to worry, we'll keep you safe." I fell asleep not panicking or thinking about everything I might've done that I've forgotten but soundly. Stressing out like I was really tired me out. I woke up in my house but I wasn't alone, I heard Phil and Techno talking upstairs.

"Um hello." I said shyly walking into the main room of my house.

"Hello mate, you gave us quite the scare there." Phil said with a smile. Phil has always been very friendly to me and so has Techno once we got to know each other better. He even said he forgave me for being a part of the 'Bucher army' because he understood I was easily manipulated.

"Yeah sorry about that." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Nonsense mate, we're just glad you're okay." He said back to me.

"So Ranboo, I was thinking-" This is nice, for the first time in a long time I feel understood and listened to. I'll definitely be staying around here for a while.

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