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December 28th


"Just pour the batter into the pan... "

The smell of pancakes filled The Edgeworth's household, just a small wiff could water anyone's mouth. Miles had been up for hours trying to perfect his recipe. Nothing was even close to acceptable! There was either too much sugar or not enough! Then, when he finally figured it out, the shaping wasn't circular enough. It was a mistake trying to do this. Miles wasn't good enough, the empty boxes of pancake mix were proof enough.

"Spread it so every part is laid out evenly..."

The date was December 28th, Christmas was just a couple days ago. His father didn't have any work until the day after the new year, so Miles made sure to spend every minute with him. He respected his father for all the sleepless nights he spent finding his client's innocence, and he was happy his father could make time to spend with him for the holidays.

"Good morning, Miles," His father turned to face him with a tired smile, "What are you doing?'

Miles, still facing the stove, tensed at his father's words, "N-Nothing, father! It's a surprise!"

He pushed some stray boxes of batter under the counter, he would clean them later.

He was close to tears. His hands were shaking and his confidence was down an entire level. His father was the most perfect of the perfect fathers he could have wished for, so it only made sense that he deserved perfect pancakes! But... All he was able to make were these gooey messes.

"Oh wow, they look great, Miles!" Gregory stood to the right of his struggling son, "I bet they taste even bette-"

"No they don't!" Miles cut him off in a fit of desperation, his voice was wet with tears, "I-I couldn't make them round! The edges are too burnt, and the inside is too mushy!" Small trails of tears rolled down his cheeks, "I-I can't do this! I wanted to make them good enough for you, but I can't even do that! I'm s-sorry!"

His father, shocked, engulfed his son into a hug. He wiped away his tears with a handkerchief, "You know... perfection isn't everything, Miles. Some things are worth doing simply because you enjoy them. Because you know it'll make you happy. Even if the end product isn't perfect."

Slowly, Miles' sobbing tones down to sniffles, "R-Really?" He muttered out, slowly lifting his head to look at him.

He placed a hand onto Miles', pouring in some batter to the pan. "Perfection is perhaps unattainable. It doesn't make a pursuit, or you any less worthy," He flipped it over, focusing on trying to steady his grip. Miles watched quietly, wiping his eyes over and over again. "I hope that... if you are to learn even one thing from me, it is that you do not have to be perfect to make me proud. I will always be proud of you, even when you make mistakes. I'll be proud because you make mistakes."

The end result was... Disappointing. But... He hoped that he had helped, even if it was just a little. Regardless of the path his son took, whether it was following his footsteps, forging his own path, or even turning to the path of a prosecutor, Gregory hoped he would never lose hope in himself. He hoped he would never value perfection above all else, pushing himself to tears over things that once made him happy. He'd do everything he could to prevent that.

"Thank you, father" Miles for up, but not before quickly giving Gregory another hug. He was happy to be imperfect together.

January 15th

Edgeworth stood in front of the stove, sink shining right by his side. He stared at the bowl of batter right in front of him, taking extra precautions to make sure his measurements were absolutely perfect.

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