Earl Gray

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The extravagant clock rang 10:00 pm precisely 5 times before silencing in Edgeworth's large office, signalling for him to put down his case file that he had been mulling over.

Christmas was a few days ago, and yet here he was getting a head start on his work. What else could he do, though? He was alone, aside from Pess - his loyal dog- who gave the empty apartment an aspect of holiday cheer. He stood up from his office chair and walked over to the windowsill. The edges were frosted over with ice, giving the world around it a small winter feel.

Being in an office so high up ment he could barely make out the small blurs of color that walked through the pristine white that was the ground. Colors that were never alone.

Unlike him.

Miles glanced over at the kettle boiling on the small portable stove he had brought in. It's aroma had long since filled the air. Earl grey always did have a wonderful smell that he loved so.

Once it had whistled it's loud noise, the prosecutor got to work on getting everything situated. The files be put back into his dusty bookshelf. The room's lights must be dimmed. And his two tea cups and plates must be cleaned to the point to glimmering like diamonds.

Edgeworth did one last double take before picking up the surprisingly light tea kettle and pouring it's contents out into the two delicate cups, a small lift of steam rouse from the water.

He walked over to the lush couch and sat down while he took his suit jacket off. Without a word he crossed his legs and sighed with grief. The two similar cups and platters were set across from each other. Something Edgeworth had a habit of doing for the guests he held in his office.

On an aspect, he did have a guest with him today.

"Hello father, I hope you are doing well," The words he had always repeated on this day flew out of his mouth with delicacy. He placed his hands in his lap. "It's 17 years since that day, and I do not go 1 day without thinking of you."

Unbeknownst to the grieving prosecutor, Phoenix Weight stood right outside his office door, listening in. It was a stroke of coincidence that he was there, returning old case files from on of the many times Miles worked with him.

He wouldn't say he was eavesdropping, rather, he just happened to hear every word of which came out of his friend's mouth.

The tone of the words made Phoenix out on edge. He was not aware of this ritual.

The death of his father must have really hurt Edgeworth more than he let on, the defense attorney came to realize.

"I am well," The small speech to no one continued from behind the office door, "I'm an working my hardest to clear the path that had once been carved for me." A small pause of silence was taken place. Most likely to enjoy a sip of tea. The small clinking of ceramics verified his thought.

"I do wish I hadn't been so foolish as to do the mistakes I had done. As I'm sure you had been aware of, I had been known as the demon prosecutor. Someone who would stop at nothing to receive a guilty verdict."

A guilty silence.

"I assure you I have changed."

Phoenix shouldn't stay here listening in. It was rude, and terrible. He should just come by another day. This was everything but his business.

"All because of the defence attorney, Phoenix Wright."

Wright perked up at the sound of his name being included. All because of him? What had he done? Perhaps he could just stay for a little while more.

"He was the one who proved my innocence of your...murder to not only the jury, but also to myself," His voice wavered over the word murder. "I had never expected to see him again, much less as a defence attorney. Yet...I wouldn't expect anything less of him. He always did the most he could, and even beyond that." A small breathy chuckle echoed through the quiet room.

"He can be frustrating at times, but," The sound of Edgeworth's cup being placed on the platter interrupted his sentence, "I think that's what makes him...well, him."

Footsteps made their way to the entry door.

Phoenix's breath was caught in his throat as the door opened.

"Wright. Hello. What are you doing here at this hour?"

He was found out. But when? Phoenix made sure to be as quiet as he could!

His silent panic seemed to do nothing for the prosecutor for he just stood his ground, looking at Phoenix with an annoyed face.

"I wanted to give you these papers you left at my apartment the last time you were there," He rubbed the back of his neck, handing them over to Edgeworth.

Miles nodded in acknowledgment silently, his expression was unreadable as always.

"I'm sorry for staying by your door, I heard you were talking to someone, and well... I didn't want to interrupt." A shameful blush appeared on his cheeks, "But...You really have changed, Edgworth. I'm sure your father would be proud of you," Unlike anything he had said in the evening of their meet, his voice held a sort of unwavering agreement with his words.

For a moment -just a moment- Edgeworth's eyes softened as he stepped out of the doorway, "Come in, I believe the tea I made is still warm. I hope you are okay with earl grey."

"Yeah! Sure! Thank you, Edgeworth!" Phoenix beamed softly and took a step into the cold office.

An hour passed with vigor and soon the clock chimed 11:00. Phoenix gathered his jacket and left, not without first thanking Edgeworth for allowing him to stay and chat.

The both of them decided not the talk anymore about the earlier incident.

The door shut behind the defence attorney and nearly on que, Miles' shoulders relaxed.

He let out a small sigh of pleasure while sitting down on the lush couch. The cups of tea had chilled on their platters in front of him.

The silence that usually plagued his office had been lifted. The dark mood that always filled the space seemed to clearen. All thanks to Phoenix Wright.

"What did I tell you, father. He is amazing."

Miles rested his elbow on the arm of the couch to tilt his head up towards the ceiling. His gaze was cast downward to the carpeted flooring, as if in thought.

A small smile tugged at the edges of his lips.

"I wish you could have met him once more."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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