Chapter Thirteen

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On the road again, back with SBI on the road again.


"So, where are we exactly?"

The family of three found themselves stranded in the middle of a forest shrouded in darkness. Someone, no one really knew who but the youngest had a sneaking suspicion it was Phil, lit a torch ablaze, lighting up the surrounding space around them. A drawn-out hiss was let out from a nearby mob; a spider with its bright red eyes, approaching them at a rapid speed. The life in it was quickly cut short with a heavy swing of a sword, one donning a faint purple sheen to it in the hands of Techno.

And with that, they kept on walking.

"Well, I'm not too sure exactly. My nether travel calculations should have landed us close to where I know Wilbur would go. Eislons is a rather large country, however. It could take hours before we actually find out any semblance of where we actually ended up."

Tommy halted in his tracks, turning to look at Phil with a judging gaze. The hand on his backpack strap tightened just as much as the hand on his sword did. Wings on his back ruffled, flexing out cherry red and blush feathers before eventually drawing them back in. There was a growing ache in the boy's chest, something that was becoming more of a nuisance as more time went on. It felt heavy, something dense, burdensome.

Something about that statement just felt off to Tommy.

How does a parent go from having a stranger as a son to then suddenly knowing him?

It didn't make sense. Make it make sense.

It frustrated Tommy to no avail. It was his fault. This was all his fault. Wilbur leaving, them going through the nether, getting stranded in a far-off country, Wilbur still being gone. His brother could be gone for all they know. Wilbur could be... he could be dead.

The thought caused Tommy to recoil, blinking a few times before adjusting his grip on his sword. No, there was no use in thinking like that. It would only make things worse, wouldn't it? They were all already in a pissy mood. They had spent hours traversing in what could only be described as "Hell" to get here and just as they get a moment of air, they have to move again. Anger was easy for Tommy, it was much harder to come down from it.

But, even so, he said nothing.

He didn't challenge his father in his knowledge.

The energy to go on simply vanished from his being as easy as it came.

It just so happened that the same energy found itself in Technoblade.

"So you know him now? That would have been really convenient before we, you know, lost him in the first place."

Phil had only managed to take a step in a random direction before he turned around to face Techno. Displeasure overcame his features, shoulders slumping slightly as his wings rose in defense. He went to start a few times, stuttering to try and get the right words. Excuses no doubt, thought Techno.

"Tech, look, I'm sorry but I am trying my best for you two, for Wilbur. It's, it's just been tough. It's not every day you lose your son and have him run away."

Somehow, this response bristled more anger from the piglin-hybrid. Techno came to a full stop, red eyes closing as he took in a deep breath and sighed. Patience was a virtue, true, but everyone has their limits. At that moment, Tommy could have sworn he heard a thread snap in his brother's mind.

"Oh, so suddenly our feelings pale in comparison to yours? As if I didn't lose my brother, the same younger brother who I had sworn to protect when you brought him home? You aren't the only person with feelings Phil."

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