Brand new start

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It's a nice and breezy morning, the sun is out, the temperature in the house is perfect, and it's quiet, awfully quiet. I get up and stretch before going downstairs to make myself breakfast. Since school started for the younger kids, the house is a lot quieter since I have two twin little brothers that are menaces to society that are in the fourth grade.

I put my [your hair] into [whatever style you want or you can leave it down unless you're bald] and go down the stairs. I'm surprised my older sister isn't home. My parents are pro hero's so they're doing hero work. I look in the fridge and grab a handful of grapes before sprinting up the stairs for my dear life as if a demon were to chase me down. "If I don't make it to my room in ten seconds I'm going to punch myself in the face," I said as I was sprinting. I made it to my room in about twenty seconds. "That was just practice so it doesn't count," I said to myself as I gasped for air.

The doorbell rings as I was about to lay down on my bed. "Damn I can't even lay down in peace," I groaned as I made my way to the door. I made sure I looked nice because you never know, the hot milf in my area (ifykyk) could be outside my door at any moment and I have to dress to impress! I opened the door to see a letter at my door from UA. "If it says I got accepted I'm offing myself," I sighed as I went upstairs with the letter. I opened it and saw All Might jump in my face. This isn't fnaf why the hell am I getting jumpscared. "Congrats young y/n, you made it to UA! We hope to see you soon!" All might said as his hologram disappeared. I face palmed before I threw my phone at the wall. I checked the date for the first day of school, I only had two weeks of break left before I had to go to stupid school again. Whatever, it's just UA what could be the problem?

I facetimed one of my best friends, Himiko, to tell her the news. "Hey kitten, daddy's home," I said with an ugly scowl. "Ew I visibly cringed hearing you say that!" Himiko complained. "So I made it to UA," I sighed. I didn't want to become a hero, but my family lineage was full of hero's so naturally I was forced at gunpoint to go to some dumb school. "Congrats? Sorry? I'm not sure how you want me to react," Himiko said. "I guess it's fine, atleast i'll pull some fine ass dudes while i'm there," I smirked. "Yeah, In your dreams, you still simp over 2D characters," (Talking to you reader, over here simping for bakugou) Himiko laughs. I rolled my eyes and put the camera up to my face. "Anyways I gotta go, the menaces are coming home soon, bye kitten," I scowled with a lip bite again. "Ew," Himiko said before she hung up instantly.

I heard the twins fighting eachother from outside the door. One of them began to bang on the door. "Aye let us in before we get kidnapped by some musty old guy!" They screamed as they put their faces up on the door window. I unlocked the door and went back to my room, but before I did anything I went to the hallway mirror and started doing weird poses from friday night funkin.I hear the door opening again and saw my sister. Oh great. "So, Did you get in?" My sister, Ryo, asked. chismosa. "Uh yeah I guess," I shrugged before walking to the kitchen to eat whatever I see first. "Looks like my little sis is going to the same school as us!" Ryo said on the phone. As usual, she's talking to her airhead friend. "We can bring her along to train with us so she's ready," Ryo said on the phone. No, I'm not spending my precious break going to the gym. "There goes my break ,"I sighed. "Get ready, you're training with me," Ryo shouted. Please shut up I just wanted to continue watching Mononoke. I lazily got up to get ready and left with my annoying sister.

We get to the gym and the cashier talks to my sister. I don't have a clue on what they're saying nor do I really care I just wanted to go home. I noticed a blonde boy going at it with a random person. He looked a bit familiar but I couldn't get my finger on it.  "Alright your private stadium will be room 7," The worker said. Ryo nodded and dragged me away. There was an AI that had stats for its mental, physical, and emotional data. I guess the rooms are specially decorated for each quirk type and effect. My quirk dealt with physical effects. You see, my quirk is called Colossal Power. Basically I can grow into a huge humanoid monster. (basically the female titan and you look like her too lol except you get to put your oc on her) When i'm not a huge scary thing i carry some of the strength and speed with me to my normal form. (kind of like wonder woman because of how fast and strong she is) but the downside is that I can only stay huge for 30 minutes to three hours depending on how big I get. So I can be as short as 20 feet that can hold for almost three hours or I can be as tall as 50 feet that can hold for about 30 minutes. 

Ryo looked at me as she put her white her into a ponytail. (Genetics don't exist because saiki k changed everyone's dna 😼) "Can you grow a bit bigger and crush that AI?"  "Sure," I shrugged as I slowly grew bigger to be about 20 ft (my smallest size). (Don't worry she doesn't turn naked or anything she has the same appearance as the female titan including the weird muscle and skin pattern she has) I flicked the AI, making it tip over. I looked at Ryo with a menacing grin. Ryo was not amused, she crossed her arms and started shaking her head. "I always question how you have friends," Ryo sighed as she kicked my foot. That girl can pack a good kick. "Do it seriously this time," The irritated white head demanded. I didn't want to get kicked again so I slammed it with my fist. I looked at my sister for reassurance. "Do something flashier y/n don't be lame," She complained. I looked at her in annoyance as I rolled my eyes. I had to decide what I needed to do so she can be satisfied so I could go home faster. I threw it towards the wall out of frustration, almost making a hole in the wall in the process.

"That's good enough, I guess we can go home now," Ryo said as she packed her stuff. Finally, I can go home. What a relief! I quickly shrunk back and zoomed out the gym and went home with my sister. As soon as I get home I see my parents waiting for me on the couch. "We heard you made it into UA!" My Mom said. Great. "We're so proud of you dear, so we made your favorite food for dinner," My Dad added on. At least i'm eating good tonight. I ate my dinner and holy moly that food was good. Eating it felt like those weird over exaggerated scenes from food wars where they try the food and do those weird things. I decided to call it a night and go to bed.

Two weeks go by and it's the first day of school. Can't believe it went by so fast! Ryo made me train my hearing and sight since I desperately needed it, so naturally I was very tired from all the training. "Do I have to go to this stupid school," I muttered to myself. I put my hair into a [wtv style] and put on my uniform and left without eating breakfast. I probably wouldn't know anyone here so I was prepared to be an absolute loner for a few days. I was texting while waking like an idiot and bumped into a tall blonde guy. I looked up and immediately recognized who it was. It was Bakugou, my old best friend from kindergarten. Before I could say Hi he started getting irritated. "Watch where you're going idiot," Bakugou scoffed. He didn't yell, but his voice was loud enough to shock me. He's always been loud and a bit blunt but who knew he would become more aggressive over the years. "Excuse me?" I said raising an eyebrow. He scoffed and walked away before I could go off on him. "You were lucky this time hothead," I groaned as I face palmed.

I went to my classroom and opened the abnormally large doors. Like seriously what's the point of huge doors? I saw a blue haired boy and Bakugou arguing about putting their feet on the desks. Oh boy this will be quite the year huh. I sighed and walked to my seat. I sat in the very back of the class by the window, hoping a death note would fall from the sky or something. Suddenly a a homeless guy with a yellow caterpillar suit rolled in. What the hell? "If you're here to make friends then you should leave," The man said. His eyes were dry and it looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Then it clicked in my head; It was Eraserhead. "I'm Mr.Aizawa, also known as eraser head," The man said. From the corner of my eye I saw a green haired kid start fanboying. Wait, No way! Is that Midoryia? I thought he was quirkless? I guess he developed it late or something, but I remember him saying he was quirkless back when we were friends from preschool. Strange. After Aizawa explained
to us about what we were going to do, I headed towards the changing room. These practice uniforms were kind of ugly but it could've been worse. I headed towards the field with a few of my classmates and waited for whatever we were going to do to start.

Finally, after five minutes of waiting Aizawa came outside. "We're going to do an evaluation test, if you get last place you will be expelled from this school," Aizawa said casually. What?

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