Suffer, Mister Mad

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I could bring the end.
One quick slash,
Brings forth my last breath;
And the pain would vanish in a flash.

I have the power;
The ability to die;
The ability to take my life;
And only have to lie.

With every cut, burn, and bruise
I tempt myself further along
To utter ruin
And that just seems wrong

For with every cut, burn, and bruise;
Brings me closer ever,
To a silent peace,
That could last forever.

But why do I sit and suffer?
Why don't I let it fall?
I know that in death,
I would still be a bother to all.

I would still be a burden;
Still be a weight,
And then there would be no way,
For my words to communicate.

I could bring the end.
But I don't, I stand still;
I stand here, beaten and afraid,
And horribly, positively ill.

I won't lie to you;
I'm not strong.
But honestly,
That doesn't seem wrong.

I'm not strong. I'm weak.
I'm dying inside.
But if i let my head win;
I'll give Death a free ride.

I'm broken, scarred, and scared.
I'm lonely and depressed.
I'm trapped under my thoughts,
And the weight of pain compressed.

I'm beaten and I'm bruised.
Mostly from mine own hand.
But yet still here I am,
Here I still I stand.

Why do I suffer?
It's not because of hope.
I've lost hope long ago
Replaced it with a length of rope

No. I suffer because I have to.
Because I have no other choice.
I could end it all. I have the power.
But the world would lose my voice.

Why do I suffer?
It's not because I want to live.
I would rather not care;
And let my head forgive.

The reason I suffer is the reason I hurt
The reason I want to die,
Is the same reason why I can't.
Life, life, all one big lie.

I am a burden in life;
I would be a burden in death
And I will fight being that.
Till my very last breath.

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