I Don't Care

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Sometimes, it's okay not to care,
About the people in your view.
Or really care where,
Your feet are leading you.

Sometimes, you can just leave
Your Id to take its control;
And just see what weaves
From the thoughts it makes you full.

Sometimes, it's okay to be apathetic,
When you have to deal with others;
And it may be totally sociopathic,
When it leads you under the covers.

But honestly, it's okay to let it go,
And relinquish the grip you hold.
Let the desires rise from down low,
Make some stories to be told.

You don't need to care that I don't,
You shouldn't worry that I couldn't,
I am one who just won't,
And, really, if I could I wouldn't,

The thoughts will just come, then
I can use them to get my way;
I don't try to keep them clandestine,
Till I can make my escape in May.

I really don't care;
And honestly all that has done
Is add to my life's fare,
And it's just added to the fun.

You should see that people like me,
Really can't connect like you;
And all that allows is me to be
One who does what he should do.

Sometimes, it's okay not care
About the people you meet;
Or really care where
You can lead those you beat.

Sometimes, I may seem mean,
My I assure my thoughts are pure.
They are wholesome and lean,
I make my survival absolutely sure.

Words of a Mad ManWhere stories live. Discover now