Perpetuation of dalliance ❄| Yandere! Kaeya × F! Reader

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I envisioned us
Dancing on a field of roses

Why on a field of roses?
And not in a room with just me and you?

I wish we had more time together
Before the petals turned to dust
After we had our last dance

In the field where roses bloomed
But lovers gloomed
It may be pretty but it has thorns
A suitable price for a pretty sight

Why did the petals turn to dust?
From dust I'll create new life
For me and you

And that's all you'll do
Bend the laws of nature to your will
But that was when you first left me
Alone on the field.


"How are you feeling today, my love?" The contrast between his icy fingertips on your shoulder and his searing hot lips  on your neck sent shivers down your spine.

You stood before the window, staring out at the crowd milling about on the street, more than usual today. It seemed like there was some sort of event happening today. "I...Don't know." You frowned slightly. "Can't I go out today? They've put up pretty banners and balloons all over the town."

Pointing at the window, you turned to look at your lover pleadingly. His

"Oh no, my love. You can't. Not while you're still in the process of regaining your memories...How about I bring back something for you instead?"

"You always say that. What if I never get my memories back?"

"Fret not my love. You'll still have me."

"That's not what I asked." Kaeya says nothing, but smiles and picks up the keys to the door. You eyes follow his every movement in the apartment until he walks to the front door.

"I'll make sure to bring back another soft toy for you~" With that, the door slammed shut.

From the arrangement of the fake flowers by the kitchen island, to the contents of the books in the bookshelves, you've had so much time in the apartment that you've memorised every detail and consumed every media made available to you in the apartment. And yet, the outside world remained much a mystery to you.

Sighing, you returned to the windowsill, propping your hands on the wood to stare out at the crowd.

Little children, running about and dragging multicoloured balloons behind them, couples saying their hellos and goodbyes... 

You couldn't remember the first time you said hello to Kaeya. You hoped he did.

The more you stared, the farther your mind wandered off to how the outside world could be like. Further, and further...

Tap tap

Tap tap tap

Soft, tapping noises against glass stirred you awake. You sat up slowly, stretching like a lazy cat as you blinked the sleepiness out of your eyes. You looked around the room, and immediately locked eyes with a pair of cerulean blue ones staring back at you outside your window.

"Oh my archons!" You gasped as you reeled back in shock. Accordingly, he flashes you a playful smile.

The boy with teal hair tips waved back, signalling at you to lift up the window. Of course, being the confused person you were, you lifted up the window immediately without thinking.

"Hey! I saw you staring at the crowd for quite a few days!" He props his hands up on the windowsill, resting his head on his hands as the soft light of sunset cast a thin veil of orange across his features. "Wanna come down and join the festivities?"

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