Past the red lights, yellow tape | 🍃 Mafia! Xiao x Reader

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Tw! Mentions of murder & sexual assault
A/N reader here is gender neutral, enjoy!


And yet, redemption was only an illusion

Created by
Desperate miscreants

An ideal for the virtuous

Who believed
The stain of sin
Could be washed away.


Your eyes focussed on the bright, flickering neon lights above you. In a place where even sunlight could not reach, damp, slimy hands slid down your sweat stained back. Their meaty grasp clamp down on your thighs as their owner latched their lips onto your nape.

You wriggle uncomfortably in their hold, face twisting into one of disdain as they continue their ministrations.

"Hold still, Doll. I'll make sure I get my money's worth when I'm done with you heh." They snort-like laughter reaches your ears...

A shot.

Ear-piercing, disorienting, your ears ring from it's explosive bang. A single shot to the door has you shrieking and ducking behind the bed for cover. Your breathe quickens to the point of hyperventilation as the group of unknown gunmen  signal for your customer to get the hell out of the room.

"I...Please. I have nothing..." You say, though your own voice reaches your ears as muffled.

The shorter gunman at the front is the first to lower his gun. Pink neon lights pierce through his turquoise highlights as he approaches you, flinging his outer coat for you to cover yourself with. Hands still trembling with shock, you timidly accept his coat and wrap the black garment around your semi-exposed flesh.

"Boss has something to discuss with you. Come." He says, voice muffled by his horned mask.

You've never seen them in your life! What could they have possibly wanted with a lowly worker in a low class brothel like yours? Your eyes dart to the other men surrounding him, who had also lowered their muzzles at his order. Similarly, their faces were obscured by the intricately designed masks that they donned.

If they had such firepower and discreetness, the organisation was sure to be something larger than you can handle.

"Ok." Despite your overwhelming fear you still put on a brave façade, using the bedframe to stabilise yourself as you stumbled out of the room.

The usual dim sapphire blue lights illuminate the hallway while the men led you. Some flicker, some were permanently off. You counted them as they passed by, 1, 2, 3, 4... You could've sworn this halfway was never this long before.

You sheepishly glanced left and right at the army escorting you. Unable to make out their expressions, you sighed and lowered your head in defeat.

Thoughts about making a dash for the exit flooded your mind, but you figured a bullet could likely travel faster than you could. Before you could make any rash decisions, the men leading you to their boss had stopped, moving aside to create a path to him.

Your chest tightened, heart gripped with trepidation. Blood rushing through your veins seemingly froze as you stood still as a rock before him.

The man before you leaned back on the lounge chair, arms sprawled and leg kicked up. A careless display of power, to be able to leave himself so... defenseless.

In his left arm he held a glass filled partially with ice and a brown looking liquid along with a lit cigar between his middle and index fingers. A trail of smoke still lingered from the extinguished cigar.

Your orbs shift toward his arms, only to find them covered in tattoos that reminded you of veins of amber running through ancient rock. Afraid that the man would catch your stare you quickly averted your eyes. Pools of molten gold glance up at you, and then down as they signal for you to take a seat.

"Be not afraid. Sit." If not for the dire looking situation you were currently in, you might have scoffed.

Be not afraid? Your men literally charged into a locked room using shotguns! Despite all these defiant thoughts running through your mind, you still cautiously settled into the grimy armchair mirroring his.

A blue haired lady hands a file into his outstretched arm. Gloved hands deposit the glass back onto the table. The sounds of turning paper ruffling resounded in the eerily silent room. You could almost hear the breathing of the armed men behind you.

He passes the files back to the lady, murmuring something along the lines of 'this was helpful, Ganyu.' To her as he did so.

"Listen, I really have no idea what you want but..."

Glowing eyes shoot back to you.

You stiffen, like a deer caught in headlights.

"So, Y/N L/N is it?" He leans into you. "How's business lately? Slow, fast, the usual?" He leisurely takes another puff of his cigar. Your mind screamed at you to sprint as fast as you could of out this joint, only for your feet to be shackled by an omnipresent fear.

The clock on the wall ticked slowly while your hands balled up tightly into fists.

"Uhm...I...Slow, I guess..." You muttered. Unsure of his motives.

"Mmhmm. I can tell.

And what of the manager of this place?"

"He...He went on vacation." You answered, still quite lost on how this whole thing connects to them almost gunning you down.

"And by vacation you mean he skipped town?"

"He what?" You blinked.

The mysterious man gives pause at your response and begins laughing. His eyes shine with amusement.

"He left you with all his debt, Y/N. How could you not know?"

"Debt?!" Your eyes widen. Hands wrap the black suit around your frame just a little tighter. "H-How much..."

The man glances back at the lady. From the way she flinches slightly, you could tell she was caught off guard by your question. She quickly pulls out an abacus and plucks the beads swiftly, showing the final result to the man in charge.

His hand grabs onto his chin as he contemplates.

"Hm. Roughly 2 million mora. Minus interest."

It felt as if your whole world fell apart. You were barely surviving as is, and from the looks of things whoever this organisation was expected you to pay the money back.

"I... I don't think I can pay that back now. Please give me some time."

"Oh?" The man raises a brow. "I suppose we should have introduced ourselves first. My name is Zhongli. I run the 2nd largest underworld organisation 'Liyue Harbour'. Though, it seems like you're unaware of how we do things. The contract is above all. We made a contract with your manager, not you. And so, for breaking the contract, it is your manager that shall suffer the wrath of the rock.

"We just need your cooperation in this matter." His lips curve into a small smile, revealing pointed teeth that glinted under the lights.


A/n Wow ok sorry definitely not a one-shot, but i'm updating more on my Archives Of Our Own profile @ Eu_phoric !

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