Chapter 24

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Taehyung's POV

I looked over at my mum and Mina. The two most beautiful woman I have ever seen. My mum seemed to like Mina very well considering that they met each other half an hour ago.

We were outside the house gates when I looked over at Mina. She was smiling. I think that was the first time I ever saw her smile. It was beautiful. Just like her.

Here I was. Holding her hand, waving goodbye to my mum and smiling. I wanted to feel like this everyday for the rest of my life.

I didn't realise I was staring at her until she popped my little daydream bubble.

'Hey! Are you ok?'

'Umm...yeah, I am. Sorry, I was thinking about our Music assignment,'

She paused.

'What Music assignment?'

I laughed.

'You're funny,'

Her features didn't budge.

'Oh you actually don't know. We had a project assigned to us yesterday,'

'Are you serious? Who assigns a project on the first day of school?'

'Yeah, I know. Where were you yesterday? You weren't in class so where were you?'

She paused again.

Mina's POV

Where was I?

I was on the roof. My private haven other than the library. It was a place where I could breathe.

I was up there, debating with myself. Jump off or not?

I was just about to make my decision when the bell snapped me out of my thoughts.

I couldn't do it then. Students would be pouring through the front doors any minute and I don't think they would want to see my dead, ugly body lying on the pavement.

But I couldn't tell Taehyung that.

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at him and forced a smile.

'I was at the nurse's office, remember? The nurse decided that I would need stitches and they took a bit longer than they expected,' I explained.

'Oh yeah. By the way, if anyone ever touches you again, tell me and my friends and we'll kick their asses, ok?' He said.

I looked up at him. Was this sincere?

His eyes revealed nothing but honesty and his hands were holding onto my own as if he's holding them for the last time.

I wanted this.

'Thank you,' I whispered.

I didn't know what came over me but I suddenly felt the need to touch him and show him how much it meant to me.

So I took a step closer.

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