Annoying Brother

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Izuna starts off his morning by taking a warm bath.

After his bath and putting his clothes on, he went to brush his teeth.

Izuna came downstairs in black shorts and his blue uchihawear.

"Madara!", Izuna called out but didn't get a reply.

He spots a note on the tabletop and reads it.

"If you're reading this I'm currently at the market getting food to feed your big belly.

There's "Kage Crunch" in my room by the window (I hid it because you'll just eat it all if I left it out) See you when I get home."
(Mini Izuna drawing)

-Your Caring Brother Madara

"Why that little-!". *Sighs* Big brothers are so annoying!

[Izuna pours his cereal and eats it before heading out the door]

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