introduction i suppose

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hello, y/n (thats you:D!). i wont get too detailed with your description or backstory because a) hopefully itll make it easier to project onto the self insert and b) im lazy lol

BUT  this book is kind of me projecting so that might slip through a little

the premise im going for is: you start uni, kid is ur roommate *wink wink*, initially you hate each other *wink wink*, but (somewhat?) slowly, you grow closer *wink wink*

maaaaaaybe a smut at some point, if i do ill put it in the title so if thats what youre here for you dont have to check every chapter individually

ok now the sort of key information: reader has boobs because i have boobs and i like writing characters with boobs. again, no description as to what theyre like, but the boobs are there. this may or may not be relevant. in terms of the pronouns other characters will refer to you with, probably mostly she/her or maybe they/them

ill try to make the personality somewhat vague but in all likelihood y/n's going to have a bit of an attitude, self assured and all that

ALSO! if i put a song in at the top of a chapter its bc i was listening to it when i was writing it and i thought id share

ok i think thats it if i forgot smth ill put it in later

eustass kidd x reader / modern au / idk lolWhere stories live. Discover now