1• getting settled

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here you were. your first day living away from your parents, your first step towards independence.

the hallway in the east wing of the dorms had a hideous carpet. the lights buzzed loudly and the walls looked like they hadnt been repainted in a while- they had those little bubble looking things in them and everything. but you know what? it was nice. 

turning to face the plain brown door, you put the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door to your dorm. you stepped inside, looking around. it was a small living space, but it could have been far worse. to your right was a kitchenette, straight ahead a short hallway with what you assumed to be the bathroom at the end (as well as two doors which must have led to your and your roommates bedrooms) and to the left was what you guessed was supposed to be the living room (really it was just a single, pitiful couch in front of a tv stand). there also appeared to be a small balcony, that was pretty cool. the place smelled kinda funny, like dettol and old coffee.

your stomach flipped a little and you grinned, this was what youd worked so hard for. it wasnt much, but it made you happy.

you hauled your bags across the laminate floorboards (yknow the ones? like the cheap looking ones. that are always really slippy and make a nice sound when suitcases roll over them) to the room on the left of the hallway and plopped down on the bed, before opening your phone. you had a couple messages from nami, your childhood friend. you tapped the notification and snorted, she was already complaining about how ridiculous the tuition fees were (and she was right, uni fees are absolute bullshit). you talked a little about how each of your dorms were for a bit, you rolled your eyes (endearingly, of course) listening to her complaints, but after a couple minutes your head perked up hearing the door open and someone step inside.

must be the new roommate

you could see that the sun was already getting a little low, she'd sure taken her sweet time getting here. you had to wonder how far away she'd come from that itd taken this long.

well, it was none of your business anyway. you put on your friendliest smile and got up and got up to say hi to the girl youd be living with for the next couple years. the friends made in uni werent exactly the be all end all of your life but it sure was important to make good connections and friendships while you could so even if she wasnt exactly bestie/wife material you figured you should at least try to make a decent impression, maybe even flirt a bit, get closer with her. shit, maybe you two would even fu-

"Who the fuck are you?"

you froze.


the... man... sitting on your couch was definitely NOT what you had expected your roommate to look like. he was tall and muscular, with hot red hair and lipstick, a scowl, and a noticeable lack of eyebrows. he was wearing tight, uncomfortable looking leather pants, combat boots, and a jacket with no shirt.

you had assumed that the university would match you with a roommate of the same gender, but it wasnt like you had to sleep in the same bed. this was fine. completely fine.

"uhh, i'm y/n l/n. im pretty sure were roommates. youre eustass kidd right?"

"Yeah. Didnt expect a chick." your brow twitched slightly at his word choice.


"Whatever. y/n l/n?"

"yep. just said that."

so much for first impressions :/

not quite sure what to do, you walked stiffly over to the kitchenette and looked in the fridge to see if there was anything edible. there was not. in fact, there was nothing. a completely predictable outcome seeing as how youd just moved in.

you heard him snicker behind you. "Hungry, short stack?"

(a/n: if youre not short, im not shrinking you, im just saying im pretty sure youre not quite 6'8" so you are short in comparison to him. soz lol.)

oh fuck this

"who are you calling short?" you didnt sound quite as intimidating as youd hoped you would, but you didn't particularly care. that much.

"Who do you think" he said, standing up, his smirk fading.

shit he was tall. and as much as you wanted to try, you would NOT be able to take him in a fight

"wow ok i get it youre taller than me." you rolled your eyes. "im going to find a vending machine or something. ill be back later "

you didnt realise how tense the energy in the room had become until you left it. despite your lack of expectations, your new roomate was definitely not what you had hoped for.

(a/n: gosh i hate this so much :/ ill probably rewrite it when i have time- idk if anyones actually interested in this but just a heads up, updates will probably be slow)

eustass kidd x reader / modern au / idk lolWhere stories live. Discover now