good news! (maybe?)

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ok so basically i have to self isolate for a while which is technically by many means a BAD thing


it does mean ill have a bucketload of time, so what little of that time i dont spend wallowing in loneliness ans depsair

i may just write another chapter


ive made the decision that this will basically just be like a first draft and when (if) i ever finish it, then at some point ill rewrite it and actually take it seriously so in a way, you guys are actually getting premier seats to my creative process

can i also just say that before i birthed this utter hellbeast of a notion, like, i already knew writing was hard, but this has really hammered it home.

like i have cried so much while trying to write this??? every time i get a notification that someones voted on it or something i sort of just go into a state of panic. i have to put my phone down so i can calm down a bit. its genuinely mortifying. like not only do people SEE this, they PROCESS it, and FFORM OPINIONS on it.

and like.

what the heck.

anyways, thats pretty much all i wanted to say (for now....)


eustass kidd x reader / modern au / idk lolWhere stories live. Discover now