2• mutual friends

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[a/n: ok so basically this is really bad and the only reason im going to publish it is because i said id have it out for a while ago and i hate doing things late and yuck. maybe ill make it better later idk]

you breathed a sigh of relief. thank fuck you were out of that room- you REALLY needed some fresh air. you peered down each end of the hallway: no vending machines here. down the stairs it was. reaching the top of the stairwell, you huffed in annoyance and began to stomp your way down. who did he think he was? coming into your home? completely uninvited?

ok well maybe not completely uninvited- technically this was just the room assigned to him by the university. he was probably just as annoyed as you about this whole debacle. maybe he even had FRIENDS who he actually WANTED to stay with.


if he did, theyd probably all be big and intimidating and hot like him. you tried to picture it. theyd probably look something like rock stars or sexy bikers or...


luffy was standing at the next landing down of the stairs. what a pleasant surprise! luffy! what a lad! you hadnt seen him in years, mind, but before he moved away the two of you had been somewhat good friends :^) it was nice to see him again after all this time. you hoped he'd still recognise you- though you doubted he would've forgotten all the good times youd had together: like {insert good times you had together}.

he turned to face you, face lit up with joy, and ran towards you like a little kid seeing their favourite cousin/auntie/uncle after like. ages.

"y/n!!" he said, pulling you into a damn near rib-crushing hug and knocking the air out of you.

"nice to see you too, buddy!" you chuckled and patted him on the head. it was very nice to see him. "i havent seen you in ages! i cant believe you actually got into a university! are you staying in this building too?" you fuckin hoped he was. maybe you could crash in his room to get away from your knobhead of a roommate.

"no- im just here to see a friend" your heart dropped. man. that was a bummer :((

"ah i getcha. well- i gotta get something from the vending machine, ill see you later"

"yeah, later!"

and then he went up the stairs. then you walked to the vending machine and got like. idfk something. then you went up the stairs again.


you opened the door!

to your new home!





and kid i guess

and it happens like

like this

except y/n looks more completely and utterly done with their life

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except y/n looks more completely and utterly done with their life

[a/n: i know this is awful i literally dont care. i am only still writing this story out of pure and utter spite for GOD. i WILL finish it.]

eustass kidd x reader / modern au / idk lolWhere stories live. Discover now