1% | like what my mamma gave me?

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Chapter One // like what my mamma gave me?

It was Valentines Day. Out of all the days, this is the day my mom sent me to go to my new school. No friends, no boyfriend, nothing, well, my mom said one of her friends son will be there to help me. Yeah, that's not happening. I'm on the school bus now, looking out the window in a seat up front since a group of people took up the back. Now, if I was in a cliche book, some under rated really sweet girl would come up to me and we'd instantly be friends. But instead I road to school by myself the whole ti.-

"Seat taken?" I looked up to find a guy about my age leaning into my personal bubble. I hadn't spoken to anyone at this school, and I certainly wasn't going to start off with... him.

"Cool," he commented with a smirk on his face as he slid into the empty spot next to me. Now I was just in awe, but I kept my cool and decided to not talk to him. I stared back at the window, which I could swear was mocking me, and just waited for school to pop out of somewhere.

"So, you don't talk much? Or is it that you like what my mamma gave me?" He asked in a sweet but noticeably fake tone. I twisted my body to face him and glared.

"Your mamma gave you absolutely nothing. Your features are of poor quality, and plastic surgery couldn't even fix what has already been screwed up by the people in the clouds." Now it was his turn to be in awe, but before I got a chance to see it he slapped his grin right back on his face. He looked me up and down, and then chuckled to himself.

"You and I should get along just fine."

"No sh!t, really?" I mocked with a smirk on my face, time to go against all the rules my mom set up for me. You see, she wanted me to try and be nice n' sweet and all that jazz, but I'm going to go with second guessing her rules.

"You know, I literally just got on the bus, in the morning, and you're already hitting on me? I mean, this is a new personal goal."

"You know, I literally just got on the bus, in the morning, and you're already trying to get me to admit that I have some false feelings for a dung bag like you?"

"Ha ha, very funny... what's your name?" He asks after rolling his eyes at me. Nice move.

"I could tell you that, but then I'd have to kill you," I say matter-of-factly. He just smirks at me again, please note he looks like an idiot.

"Well I'm all for the horror scene blondie," his words skate of the tip of his tongue and I choose to do the most irritating thing for him, laugh. He gave me a weird look and, once again, rolled his eyes.

"You'd think your eyes would hurt for how much they roll around... but, what do I know?" I shot back at him. If I knew better I'd think he was a complete douche, but that would mean I am too.

"Hmm, what do you know? Certainly not your name, right?" His eyes burn into mine and I just give him a fake smile. Heck to the no if he thinks I'm gonna be some emotional wreck with blush spread all over my cheeks. Well, I have worked on not letting the pink tint my cheeks for a while.

"Nope, Sherlock Homes. You can just wait and see." I winked at him and decided it was the perfect time to look out the window. The window is burning hot considering that the sun was attacking it with its rays. I could tell you what I saw out the window, but does trash, rushing cars, and an interstate sound interesting to you? I thought not. I set my head onto the seat in front of me and close my eyes. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the harsh pattern on the seat leaves an imprint on my forehead. Actually, on that thought, I don't want to look like an idiot when I walk into school. So, I remove my head from the seat and lean my tight pony of sheen blonde hair against the seat behind me.

"Hey blondie, we're getting close to school." He nudges my shoulder and I internally puke, please no. But, as I open my eyes and look out the window, I catch the sight of bustling teens and teachers rushing around the square, which actually has a fountain in the middle. Like, really?

"It's awesome, you'll like it a lot," he bragged. I stole a glance away from the crazy action outside and took a good look at him. He had his brown hair gelled up rolling towards his back with crisp and sparkling brown eyes. He looked slightly muscular through his tight grey tee and sleek black jeans paired with grey vans. I mean he's good looking, but if there were types he wouldn't be mine.

"Are you checking me out blondie?" He asked teasingly. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You wish," I whispered.

The bus jerked to a stop and a crank came from the door opening. He stands up and shoots his hand out to help me up, I reach to take it and he suddenly pulls his back.

"Gotcha blondie," He winked at me and walked off the bus, me following right behind him. I swear, if he keeps on messing with me I'm going to kick him in the balls. Not kidding.

The campus feels refreshing. There's calming trees surrounding the clean and neat concrete walls of the obviously expensive building. The sidewalk leads all around the building and to multiple doors like a maze. The huge parking lot wad filled to the max with not only cars but teenagers chatting up a storm.

A couple kids skate boarded around the bend of the path and almost knocked me over but they actually stopped by me. They both gave knuckles to the bus boy and then looked over at me. One of them was a beachy blonde, tall, and had beautiful blue eyes. The other one, who was the closest to me, had his brown hair wind swept to the side, with an amazing jawline and some mesmerizing brown eyes hidden under nerdy but hipster glasses.

The brown haired one, the cute one, is the first to speak up, "Hi, are you Katie?" He asked, his voice was deep and defiantly a pantie dropper. Oh my, I'm sorry for the mental image, please ignore me.

"Um, yeah... And you are?" I was taken back that he knew my name, but he is one damn smokein' pickle so... My goodness, I need to get my head out of the gutter today! My word, I'm hinting things left and right.

"I'm Aaron, my mom is friends with yours. Oh, and this is Grant." He pointed to the the blonde to my left and I shook my head realizing who he was. My mom did not tell me this was him. If I knew I wouldn't have been dreading this moment for so long.

"Wow, when I was told I was meeting you I didn't expect you to be so great looking," I marveled at his toned legs shown off in his capri's, and his muscles all over his body. Dang.

His cheeks glowed pink and he responded back, "Well if I would've known you were so blunt I'd already asked you for your phone number." I shook my head.

"So, are you going to actually introduce me to the chick or am I just standing here like some freak?" His blonde friend... er Grant muttered.

I looked up to him and gave him a smile, "Hi Grant it's nice to meet someone who shares my same great looks." He smirked up at me noticing that we had the same features.

"Well, I would say it's nice to meet you and all, but that would be putting me in the friend-zone." He winked at me and then looked over at Aaron who was just watching the two of us with a glint of some emotion in his eyes.

"Um. Should I just go?" We all look up suddenly and I saw that the bus guy was still standing there awkwardly.

"Nah, dude you can come with me. Aaron has to show Katie around so we can go chill," Grant offered. The bus guy caught my eyes and I struggled to look away. His eyes were watching mine for a second and then left when Grant started pulling him away. I shook my head, why do I suddenly feel like I have a knot in my stomach? I mean, I have a model worthy guy standing in front of me waiting for me to go walk with him.

"Ready to go look around then?" He asked and I shot him a smile. He picked up his blue skate board with some sort of detailed design on the bottom I couldn't see. He then looked back at me and shook his head while looking down at his feet.

"Lets go do this."

soooooo what do y'all think? What do yah think of the peeps? Lol.

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Take the chance babes c; Until later xx

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