Meeting the twin prt1

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Sunrise pack
I ask kaow and minister Thorn to go with the marriage proposal for our angel to the moonlight pack, Dew escorted them to the outskirts of their territory, and we only have to wait for them to return with they response.
I was working on some paperwork when Dew knocked on the door(I can small him from mile, I can also tell from his smell if he is happy, sad, or even in danger, and this is not me the only one who is able to do this because he has the same since as me), he is now very nervous, just like me, I allowed him to enter
Dew:"Did you not finish your work, I feel that I will no, wait anymore, give me permission to follow them, so I can make them agree, everyone knows that our angel's father is greedy, and I can seduce him with anything. ..... What am I saying? I will not humiliate him before he comes to us. he needs love and respect, going to his father means buying him,no no he isn't a commodity to buy "
Mew:" I think you will lose your mind if they didn't come back today, as if I'm better than you "
Dew:"do you think they will accept our marriage proposal and would he loves us??"
Mew: "I don't think they will reject us, and we will make him loves us, we will make him our priority and we will love him as no one has loved him before, and we will forget him all the days of humiliation and sadness which are expressed before"
after two hours
I finished my paperwork and sitt on the coach with Dew whose was reading one of those books from the library
Mew:"How many page did you read so far because I have rewrite the report of the work about 7 times"
Dew:"2 pages I can't focus and time now 10 Pm don't you think they are late "
Mew: "...."
After half an hour
There are light ways on the door and one of the servants enter
The servant: "my princes the King call you to the living room"
Price Mew: "thank you we will be right there"
Price Dew: "Do you think they'll..... fast let's go there"
In the living room
They came back, Kaw smiled happily, and we sat next to my father
Alex:" so minister was what was replyed by the moonlight and how they treat you?"
The minister Thorn:"We have received the best treatment and Princes were right that Prince Gabriel is very beautiful but I think....
Mew:"what did they forced him to do something or are they treats him badly "
Kwaona: "if you know my prince the way they treated him......
The minister Thorn:"The first we entered and we were told them your request, he was called like if he made a mistake and then, he was taken out and they asked us to waiting they reply,about 5 pm we were called to the main hall and, they tell us that the little prince wants to meeting tomorrow,And he accepts your offer "
Dew:"he said yes to us I told you he will be with us soon.....The minister said he wants to meet us tomorrow"
Mew:"yes I hear him.....You should go to the bed we have a lovely meeting tomorrow"
Dew:"I do not think I can  sleeping to night ..... Oh my God, what will I wear tomorrow? I must go early to the village to buy a gift......
Mew: "Go and relax tomorrow, I will receive everything,and we will go together to the village to buy gifts"
Dew: "yes... Yes love you brother you are the best" he huge me and I kiss his cheek
Dew:"goodnight everyone see you tomorrow"
Mew:" tomorrow love...goodnight"
Alex:"goodnight son.....Mew can I have a word with you"
Mew:"Dew.....Dad need us.....yes father"
Dew:"no.....Talk with him I need more sleep to make our baby love me more "
Mew:"ok see you....Sweet dream"
Dew:"sweetdream love"
And he leave the room,I look to my father disturbing because I don't like the way he treat my Dew but But I will not quarrel with him now because I'm so happy
Mew:"yes dad?"
Alex:"for the last time I ask you if you are sure about this proposal I want you re-think about.....
Mew:"listen to me well, the goddess chose him for us before we choose him, we didn't know anything about him before that party.... He keep coming in our dreams..... And please stop that we will be seeing him tomorrow.... Good night "
And I leave the room before he said anything
The next morning
I know my brother very well and I know that my father gets him angry so when he entered my room,I lifted the cover and let him sleep,he huge me like we use to do when we were young I grew up on his back and he parsing my hair I don't know when we sleep but when I wake up he wasn't there so I check on him after taking a show changing my clothes.... He wasn't at the kitchen so I take my breakfast... He wasn't at his office so I went to his favorite place when , he being sad.
Dew: "does father updated you that much to come complaining to her..... Goodmorning Nana... "
Mew:"Sorry I didn't want to wake you up,I was just telling her about today "
Dew:"she would be happy for us as she was do....We will visit he next time with him, she will love him as we do "
Mew:"yes she will....Did you take your breakfast?"
Dew:"hmmm...I'm really excited for today let go buy a lot of gifts for him"
Mew:"Definitely let's go bye Nana we will return to visit with our angel... I love you "
Dew:bye Nana...I loveyou more"
Nana was the only person whose love us without a question or conditions, our nanny after my mother's let, she gave us all the love and care, we were happy with her but one day we found her dead on the limits the herd in a brutal way, doctors said she fought with faven to protect her self, and that her child has been dismissed from her mercy, whoever does this to good person like her is a monster.
We were8 year time when we saw her death body in the forest, we didn't tell anyone fear of punishment, we remember very well the smell of that monster and Mew will find him, every one tell that he eat the babe but I don't think so.....Mew said he small the same sense of her in him but maybe oneday......
In the evening
Dew is so difficult and can't choose as usual I have chosen his clothing for him

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