the twin birthday

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Prince Dew POV

I don't know why I feel strongly this days it's that what we call love from the first time I saw him I was mesmerized by his beauty yes he was beautiful like women his skin is so white like a fairy and his sparkling locks of hair soaked in lake water I don't know why these boys were mocking of him being omega doesn't give them the right. We too are late to get a mate, so why are we not subjected to ridicule or because we are alphas and the two leaders coming after our father, but Mew said that he will find a solution, and I'm confident of that because my brother is the smartest among us and the wisest I really trust him and he said that he is preparing a surprise for everyone and will bring us together soon with our angel and the love that we have been waiting for.... unbelievable, but we both found a mate in that boy, and we both fell in love for the first time. our choices have always met. we have always liked a different kind of things but I think the gods have our own choices, that boy needs us, I don't know much about him, but my brother contemplated the matter and would solve it with his knowledge I was always second in everything after him, but this never bothered me because I know that I'm number one for my brother, and we are both ready to sacrifice oui life for the other.

Tomorrow morning

Prince Mew POV

Today is our birthday me and my twin brother Dew the first one in my life we have gone through a lot together because we were never the twin you would imagine after our mother's left. We learned that we should not depend on anyone but ourselves. Hi is never betrays me he was the one who trusted blindly. And I will not betray him as long as we have drawn our destinies together to the extent that we will be with our companion at last the most gentle and wonderful creatures, one of the angels that the gods sent us to make him happy and make as happy with his presence beside us when I saw him at the lake was the happiest day of my live, I'm happy that I agreed to go there.
My father decided today to announce that I'm his successor in power, but I will not do this without my brother. I had a surprise for him, and for everyone . a surprise, which will be increased by the link between me and Dew, something that was surrounded he has something for us both that will make us stronger and solve many problems in Pack
Mew :" Dew it time to wake up we had a lot of work to the evening party you must stayed up a lot in the drawing workshop as usual. I told you not to tire yourself. I will let you take a nap before the party.come on bro I will not wait you I will prepare my self and goes without you "
Dew" ok I up I will take a shower first and we'll go together ok wait for me " .
We work together in our family factory For petroleum and repetitive materials, my family's inherited work is considered as my father also appointed me the executive director there, but I refused him, which forced him to rectify the matter and made me with my brother share the same position he always considers me better than him everyone knows that I don't like this, but they insist on it, but today everyone will know that we are one person

Prince Dew POV

I don't like to made Mew wait, so I wore what was in front of me and I got off and found him as usual sitting on the Stairs, he doesn't like going down to eat without me, he gets upset a lot by separating us, although I find it normal because without any exaggeration he is better than me in everything but I'm not lying if I said that I was upset, or in a better sense, I was jealous of the special treatment that he used to spend in his teenage days, but I didn't tell anyone that but he knew.
.... so he refused gifts and anything offered to him without me I very proud and lucky because I'm his twin
Dew:"good morning bro and happy birthday 💓"
He hug me and kiss my forehead and said:" happy birthday my dear twins wish you all happiness "
Dew:" you to my other half and my handsome twin brother I love you bro"
Mew:" I love you too baby bother let have our breakfast we had a lot of work before evening ....."

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